Displaying items by tag: Charles University services
Update on the tragedy at the Faculty of Arts of CU
As was reported in the international and domestic media, an unprecedented tragedy unfolded at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague in the afternoon hours of Thursday 21 December. Fourteen people lost their lives and dozens more were injured.
Forum 2023: Hundreds of exciting interviews and stories
Forum magazine last year continued to provide extensive coverage about the goings-on at Charles University – profiling inspiring personalities and interviewing both established and up-and-coming researchers, academics, innovators, and artists.
Sustainability rankings: CU improves in some categories
For the third time, Charles University participated in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2023, an international comparison of how universities approach Sustainable Development Goals.
ENOHE: Ombudship, best practices, students' rights
Hundreds of ombuds from around the world, not just Europe, were hosted by Charles University as part of the 18th annual ENOHE conference. Together, participants sought ways to improve the overall safety environment at universities.
65th Summer School of Slavonic Studies wraps up
The 65th Summer School of Slavonic Studies in Prague, held at Charles University, wrapped up this Friday bringing to a close a month of intensive Czech language study. The programme featured not only language classes but also workshops and day trips.
Historic Opitz House: Accomodation for university guests
Did you know that it is possible to sleep overnight within the Carolinum complex? Charles University offers accommodation in its buildings to university guests. The most representative accommodation facility is known as Opitz House.
Charles University saw important changes over the last year-and-a-half, among them the relocation of student/employee services, CU Point, to Celetná 13. It is a central hub including the CU Staff Welcome Centre, helping foreign researchers with work stays.
FORUM EN 13 2024
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FORUM 69 1/2025
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