Displaying items by tag: help
Ombuds stress importance of respect, decency and dignity
Charles University is hosting the first national conference of ombudsmen in the Czech Republic on 18 October 2024. To mark International Ombuds Day, we asked faculty representatives for their thoughts.
Update on the tragedy at the Faculty of Arts of CU
As was reported in the international and domestic media, an unprecedented tragedy unfolded at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague in the afternoon hours of Thursday 21 December. Fourteen people lost their lives and dozens more were injured.
Children and adolescents in orphanages are encouraged to be independent-minded. However, they often lack personal ties, role models and ordinary experience from daily life. The Patron programme, in cooperation with CU, is helping many get a better start, by providing mentors who can help them navigate some of the pitfalls of everyday life.
Zuzana Schreiberová is a graduate of the Faculty of Humanities at Charles University and director of the Multicultural Centre Prague (MKC Prague). During her studies, she volunteered and helped people fleeing the war in Syria and Iraq. She now passes on her experience to others helping Ukrainians who fled the war.
FORUM EN 13 2024
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FORUM 69 1/2025
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