Ombuds stress importance of respect, decency and dignity

Friday, 18 October 2024

On 18 October 2024, Charles University is hosting the first-ever national conference of ombudsmen in the Czech Republic. The event aims to provide a platform for dialogue among professionals across different sectors, disciplines, and political orientations. The rich programme of the conference – organised by the Association of Corporate Ombuds of the Czech Republic – will feature speakers from Charles University including Ombudsperson Kateřina Šámalová, Chancellor Petra Štanclová, and Radim Boháč, Dean of the Faculty of Law at Charles University.


To mark International Ombuds Day, which falls on 18 October this year, we spoke to the ombuds or designated persons responsible for overseeing a healthy atmosphere at Charles University, asking them what they wished for CU now and into the future.

Kateřina Šámalová upKateřina Šámalová, Charles University Ombudsperson: I would like our university to be able to continue to create a safe, respectful and non-threatening learning and working environment where everyone can find their place. Such an environment, along with quality education, is the best brand in terms of attracting the attention of applicants for studies and jobs. We thank everyone for their efforts in building a space where everyone can feel respected and supported.

Nürnbergerová FTVS upVeronika Nürnbergerová, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport: My hope is that we approach each other with respect and decency, and in this way, prevent conflicts. That we listen to one another, build an atmosphere of understanding, and honour the principle that the freedom of one individual ends where the freedom of another begins. Together, we can create an environment where everyone feels comfortable, dignified, and welcomed, and where we can study and work successfully.

Natália Božiková FSV upNatália Božiková, Faculty of Social Sciences: I wholeheartedly wish the students, teachers, and employees of Charles University that our alma mater continues to be a safe space, distinguished by diversity, respect, and regard for one another.

Ivana Danišová, Ivana Danišová KaM upDormitories and Canteens: Establishing an ombuds institution in our country made sense, given the ongoing issue of human rights violations. It is clear that it will certainly have a positive impact on the overall atmosphere in interpersonal and institutional relations. An ombuds must have a degree of expertise, a willingness to help, and above all, natural authority. Hopefully, students and staff of Charles University to find these values in each of the university’s ombuds when addressing their concerns, as these are essential qualities. The Office of the Ombuds is still a very young institution in the Czech Republic... given the complexity of public administration, however, the existence of the ombudsperson’s office will undoubtedly remain relevant and very important, especially when complemented and compared with the findings of the European Ombudsman institution.

Jana Pourová FaF upJana Pourová, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové: The quality of education and the overall atmosphere should reflect the position of the oldest and undoubtedly the most prestigious university in the Czech Republic and the former Eastern Europe. I wish for all of us that justice and dignity become fundamental parts of life at Charles University. These should be achieved through healthy relationships with others, fair conduct, sound judgment, and humility. Since this is a school, I would also add the desire to acquire and share knowledge, and last but not least, hard work.

Eva Hrubá PF upEva Hrubá, Faculty of Law: To all students, academic staff, and employees of Charles University, I wish that they feel safe and well (not only) at the university, that they primarily create positive memories, but also that they always know where to turn for help if needed. Every situation has a solution, but it is necessary to know that something is happening. The existence of the ombudsman/ombudswoman institution is undoubtedly important, but at the same time, I sincerely hope no one will ever need to use their services.

Tereza Petrusková PřF upTereza Petrusková, Faculty of Science: The best thing would be if my role as the Ombudswoman of the Faculty of Science is not needed at all.

Jitka Švíglerová, Faculty of Medicine in Plzeň: I wish for Charles University to become a place where equality, dignity, and academic freedom are respected. I wish students to have the courage to bring forward their ideas and questions, and to know that their voices are heard.Švíglerová LFP up

I wish teachers to find not only satisfaction in their work but also space for mutual dialogue and support. I wish university staff that their work is seen as an indispensable part of our shared success. As an ombudswoman, I wish for everyone to have enough tools and opportunities to defend themselves against injustices, to solve their problems, and to trust in fair and open procedures. Our university should foster a dialogue where everyone has the opportunity to express themselves and be respected. 

Eva Šolcová KTF upEva Šolcová, Catholic Theological Faculty: My hope is that there is never a lack of willingness and good will for mutual communication, listening, searching for and finding ways to resolve difficulties and misunderstandings. I also wish that the joy of building something together and the hope of connecting bridges never fades away.

Tereza Krčmářová, Tereza Krčmářová PeF upFaculty of Education:
I wish everyone to study and work in an environment that is welcoming, safe, open to change, and dedicated to finding effective solutions to problems. I wish they meet people who inspire them professionally and personally. I wish for all of us to be aware of our rights, but also of our responsibilities, to consciously develop our communication skills, prevent conflicts, and resolve them effectively. I wish we are ready to provide help but also ask for it when needed. Building an environment based on mutual trust and cooperation is a difficult and long-term task, especially in a traditionally hierarchical and large organisation that emphasises performance, but it is something we must always strive for.

Anna Smetanová MFF upAnna Smetanová, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics: "Fostering knowledge for knowledge’s sake, an almost fanatical love for justice, and a desire for personal independence – these are elements of our tradition, for which I thank my stars that I belong to it," Albert Einstein once remarked. I believe his words quite accurately capture the values that are intrinsic to our university. I sincerely wish that Charles University will remain an environment full of understanding, calm, and good interpersonal relationships. Such a space will be shaped not only by ombudspeople in their role, but by every individual, as it is people who form the university above all.

Iveta Čermáková 3LF upIveta Čermáková, Third Faculty of Medicine: My wish is that we can continue to appreciate diversity in all its forms within the university – whether it be academic, scientific, pedagogical, or human – and that we can leverage it to benefit everyone.

Pavla Špondrová FF up

Pavla Špondrová, Faculty of Arts: From my position as ombudswoman, I encourage everyone to approach the challenges the academy presents with enthusiasm, strength, and joy. At times, these challenges may be difficult, as we experienced with the tragic attack on our faculty in December 2023 – a loss we still hold in our hearts. At other times, the challenges are uplifting and full of hope.

Recently, we held the FAUST Lesson, the Faculty Welcome for Students – an orientation race through the Faculty of Arts at Charles University. For over three hours, our office was filled with inspiring, cheerful faces – smart individuals of various styles and perspectives, and we are thankful that we will continue to interact with them. Students solved a crossword puzzle with a surprising answer: OMBUDS. The term "ombuds" comes from Scandinavian languages and means "to stand behind (someone’s) cause." I also hope that we, as ombudspeople, will continue to effectively support those who need us, standing behind them with greater success and efficiency.

Martin Zielina 2LF upMartin Zielina, Second Faculty of Medicine: We are living through challenging times with numerous stressors. However, a healthy level of stress is vital for the academic community to function effectively and not shrink from what lies ahead. My hope is that we face all that comes our way with honour and humility, while also managing the many other roles we play in society. Let us continue to engage in respectful discourse, acknowledging differing opinions and perspectives, without relinquishing our own views without sound reason.

Eva Bittnerová FHS upDana Bittnerová, Faculty of Humanities: I hope that the people at Charles University will always be open to giving others, ideas, and processes the chance they deserve. Reaching consensus is difficult, which is why it is important to first listen and reflect on others’ viewpoints. This doesn’t mean giving up our goals, visions, values, or moral principles. Offering others a chance requires a willingness to sit down and engage in meaningful dialogue. When an ombudsman is needed to facilitate this, I hope they will always be available, promoting mutual respect and a sense of self-worth. If an ombudsman must step into the role of arbiter, it signals that trust, respect, and morality have been compromised. I wish that people, ideas, and processes at Charles University will continue to grow and develop with a sense of responsibility to themselves and to others.

Simona Arientová 1LF upSimona Arientová, First Faculty of Medicine: If I could express just one wish, it would be for all of us to have good health – after all, I am a doctor. Beyond that, I hope our beloved university continues to have satisfied students, teachers, and staff, and that the need for ombudspeople remains minimal. May the university keep flourishing as it has so far!



Did you know that?...
► The position of ombudsman was likely established for the very first time in the 18th century in Sweden, where it was responsible for overseeing the conduct of officials.
► The role saw its greatest development in the 20th century, particularly after the Second World War.
► The establishment of the role of the Czech Public Defender of Rights was legislated in November 1999.
► Since 1 January 2023, Charles University has also had its first ombudsman, who can rely on the cooperation of representatives from all 17 faculties in their work.

Author: Marcela Uhlíková
Photo: Ombduds' personal archives

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