Charleston project launched - backing postdoc research
Charles University on Monday launched Charleston, a new programme backing postdoc research with a focus on sustainability. A total of twenty grants - ten per year over two years - will be available.
A unique message about healing
The mass shooting that took place at the Faculty of Arts last December changed the university and the whole of society to the core, causing profound sadness and heartache. A new documentary looking at the tragedy and the healing process will air on Czech TV on 21 December.
Freedom and solidarity: Czechs mark 17 November
Representatives of Czech universities traditionally commemorated the memory of those who fought for freedom and democracy on 17 November, underscoring the importance of academia as a space for the free exchange of ideas and critical thinking.
Rector honours key individuals on 17 November anniversary
Eighty-five years have passed since 17 November 1939, a tragic day in Czech history. If this date is associated with darkness, the student protests that begaN on 17 November 1989 and were brutally repressed finally let hope into Czech society.
CU hosts "451 Degrees of Disinformation" conference
This week, Charles University hosted the annual CEDMO conference, highlighting the observatory’s ongoing commitment to fact-checking, media literacy, and AI regulation. Insight into the challenges of the post-Truth era.
Ombuds stress importance of respect, decency and dignity
Charles University is hosting the first national conference of ombudsmen in the Czech Republic on 18 October 2024. To mark International Ombuds Day, we asked faculty representatives for their thoughts.
Key cooperation focus of Tsai Ing-wen visit to Charles University
Charles University welcomed Tsai Ing-wen, the former president of Taiwan, on Tuesday to discuss the latest developments in a multi-project between Taiwan and Czechia. Part of the project saw the launch of the Supply Chain Resilience Centre last autumn.
Sport Unites: Charity event more popular than ever
The Faculty of Physical Education and Sport’s charity event, Hřeje mě pohyb (Sport Unites), made its return this Thursday with a mission: to cover 2,000 kilometres in just four hours by running, jogging, walking, or cycling. The event raises awareness for a good cause.
University 4EU+ Alliance reps meet in Warsaw
Late last month, representatives of 4EU+, met at the University of Warsaw. A large delegation from Charles University, led by Rector Milena Králíčková, participated in the annual meeting, centred on the theme “Digital 4EU+: Education – Research – Cooperation.”
Academic year 2024/25 officially underway!
Where better to kick off the 2024/25 academic year than at the Kampus Hybernská cultural and educational centre? Upper-year students are already familiar with this creative hub, but for first-years, it was a truly UniKátní START (Unique Start) to the next phase in educational life.
European Researchers' Night CZ embraces 'transformation'
The final Friday in September saw the return of Czech European Researchers' Night, where scientific and educational institutions across the Czech Republic open their doors to curious visitors. Charles University, of course, took part.
FameLab 2024: The beauty and diversity of science
Nine finalists provided unique insights into the fascinating world of natural sciences—that was the FameLab 2024 final in a nutshell. The culmination of the national competition, held under the patronage of the British Embassy in Prague.
Microsoft's Brad Smith gives key presentation at CU
Charles University’s Hall of Patriots was the site for an important conference organised by Microsoft on Thursday, featuring the company’s Vice-chair and President Brad Smith. He gave a keynote presentation called Sustaining Trust in the New AI Economy.
HR Award: better conditions for scientists
This year marks five years since Charles University was awarded the HR Award, which aims to improve working conditions for female and male employees at research institutions across Europe. What did the recognition bring to Charles University?
Traditional garden party caps end of school term
Friends of Charles University this week attended the 20th annual university garden party, traditionally held on 24 June. The well-established festivity, held under the auspices of the Czech Senate, took place at Wallenstein Garden.
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