Displaying items by tag: education

CU this week hosted a unique event bringing together students, staff, as well as 4EU+ Alliance reps for a special day at the Carolinum. The alliance has made significant strides in creating new opportunities in education, research, and mobility.

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sport’s charity event, Hřeje mě pohyb (Sport Unites), made its return this Thursday with a mission: to cover 2,000 kilometres in just four hours by running, jogging, walking, or cycling. The event raises awareness for a good cause.

The final Friday in September saw the return of Czech European Researchers' Night, where scientific and educational institutions across the Czech Republic open their doors to curious visitors. Charles University, of course, took part.

Even pedagogy is a science. Teacher Daniel Pražák, who recently completed his doctoral studies at the Faculty of Education of Charles University, knows this. What does he enjoy most about teaching? Find out in one minute.

At the Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin), great emphasis is placed on collaboration, both between faculties and disciplines, but also across Berlin universities. Pavla Hubálková found out more as part of her Erasmus internship.

“I have twenty kids in each classroom that I can influence, inspire, or teach critical thinking. I teach multiple classes and I have an impact on many children’s lives. That’s the beauty of the teaching profession,” says Daniel Pražak, a teacher, education populariser, and PhD student at CU.

Janet Tassell is a professor at at Western Kentucky University. During the winter semester, she spent three months as a Fulbright Scholar at the Faculty of Education, Charles University, where she conducted research to apply mindfulness practices in mathematics instruction.

We waste resources and throw away far too much food unnecessarily. The Smart Food educational project, aiming to improve pupils' knowledge about food waste, is being tested at five primary schools. The teaching materials should later be widely available.

The field of nursing within the medical profession has grown ever more varied. While in the past, a “one-size-fits-all” approach was sufficient, that is no longer the case. “The shortage of nurses,” says Ivana Dvořáčková of Hradec Králové University Hospital, “would be eased if we relieved them of tasks which could go to less qualified professionals.”

What are the main challenges children and teachers have to face in our schools due to an unprecedented inflow of Ukrainian children and youth into our educational system? In Talking Economics, Katarína Stehlíková talks to Daniel Münich 

The last year-and-a-half brought many changes and challenges for the education sector, given little choice but to adapt - as quickly and effectively as possible. Many enrolled at Charles University reassessed their aims with new vigour. Tracy Okine writes about two foreign students who took stock of the situation and persevered.

Tomáš Vokáč completed a Ph.D. at Charles University in 2012, focusing on language in modern French theatre. Over the years, he has held top posts in management. He is the executive director of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Czech Republic (DofE).

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