Displaying items by tag: Carolinum
Microsoft's Brad Smith gives key presentation at CU
Charles University’s Hall of Patriots was the site for an important conference organised by Microsoft on Thursday, featuring the company’s Vice-chair and President Brad Smith. He gave a keynote presentation called Sustaining Trust in the New AI Economy.
Robust feedback at the core of annual IAB meeting
Members of the International Advisory Board at CU gathered for their annual meeting in Prague this week to discuss developments at the university over the last year and to discuss plans moving forward. The role of the IAB, as the name suggests, is largely to help.
Ambitious 'resilience' research project gets underway
Charles University recently outlined the scope of a major research project. Beyond security: The role of conflict in building resilience will bring together studies by numerous participants, across disciplines, to examine the impact of crises.
Healthcare conf. stresses importance of int'l cooperation
On Tuesday, 10 October, Charles University hosted an international Czech-American conference on the topic of "Value and Quality in Healthcare: Czech and American Perspectives." The event was co-organized by Lahey Hospital & Medical Center (LHMC).
ENOHE: Ombudship, best practices, students' rights
Hundreds of ombuds from around the world, not just Europe, were hosted by Charles University as part of the 18th annual ENOHE conference. Together, participants sought ways to improve the overall safety environment at universities.
University tapestry: For 75 years, a signature feature
It's one of the signature features of the Great Hall at the Carolinum: a 5 x 8 metre tapestry adoring the front wall of the aula. On it? An image of Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV with St. Wenceslas and symbols of the university's faculties.
Čaputová: We must not slacken in helping Ukraine
“I consider Charles University to be one of the best in the wider region, it can withstand comparison with the best in the world,” says Slovak President Zuzana Čaputová. The head-of-state met on Wednesday with students at Charles University.
During ceremonies of Charles University, you can’t miss him: he stands out even among esteemed guests, always the first to walk into the Great Hall in dignified historical dress, sceptre in hand. He is the university’s bedel or beadle. At the Carolinum that role is performed by Josef Šebek.
This week, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University celebrated 70 years since its foundation. “From today's perspective, the faculty seems young. However, the tradition of mathematics, physics and astronomy at Charles University has been going on for almost 700 hundred years,” Rector Milena Králíčková said.
Donatio prizes awarded ahead of CU's 674 anniversary
Charles University, founded on 7 April 1348, is celebrating its 674th birthday. On this occasion, the university awarded five scientists Donatio Universitatis Carolinae prizes. They are worth a financial reward of one million crowns.
Charles University recently hosted a one-day conference at the Patriotic Hall bringing together top members of the legislative branches from the Czech, Estonian, Lithuanian, and Latvian Parliaments, to mark 100 years since the Czechoslovaks gave de jure recognition to the three Baltic states. The event also focussed on lessons for today.
The inauguration of Professor Milena Králíčková, the new Rector of Charles University, took place on 3 March 2022 at the historic Carolinum. She succeeds Professor Tomáš Zima who served for two consecutive terms. The new rector's term of office will last until 31 January 2026.
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