Displaying items by tag: ceremony
Traditional garden party caps end of school term
Friends of Charles University this week attended the 20th annual university garden party, traditionally held on 24 June. The well-established festivity, held under the auspices of the Czech Senate, took place at Wallenstein Garden.
During ceremonies of Charles University, you can’t miss him: he stands out even among esteemed guests, always the first to walk into the Great Hall in dignified historical dress, sceptre in hand. He is the university’s bedel or beadle. At the Carolinum that role is performed by Josef Šebek.
This week, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University celebrated 70 years since its foundation. “From today's perspective, the faculty seems young. However, the tradition of mathematics, physics and astronomy at Charles University has been going on for almost 700 hundred years,” Rector Milena Králíčková said.
From outside it has barely been audible but the last few weeks the historic Carolinum has echoed with the sounds of construction. Not just hallways but also a part of the Great Hall itself is being renovated, ahead of the installation of a new pipe organ.
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