Displaying items by tag: debate

Members of the International Advisory Board at CU gathered for their annual meeting in Prague this week to discuss developments at the university over the last year and to discuss plans moving forward. The role of the IAB, as the name suggests, is largely to help.

Ever wondered how women in top positions handle their jobs and what they prioritise in terms of their teams or why so many find the time to pursue sports in their free time? This year the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport marked International Women's Day. 

“I consider Charles University to be one of the best in the wider region, it can withstand comparison with the best in the world,” says Slovak President Zuzana Čaputová. The head-of-state met on Wednesday with students at Charles University. 

As of 1 July, the Czech Republic has taken up the Council of the EU presidency, a time when the bloc faces key issues of international importance. Charles University is contributing to the public discussion through a debate series entitled Task Europe.

Experts vs. “experts” - Scientists in the Media was the title of an online panel discussion on Thursday hosted by Kampus Hybernská. Four invited speakers – two well-known science journalists and two scientists, discussed the difficulties of their fields and where they overlapped, as well as the damage caused by some experts spreading denial.

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