Displaying items by tag: Videos
Science at CU: Reading, from the child's perspective
“I study children's reading from the perspective of the children themselves,” says Anežka Kuzmičová from the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University. She introduces more in a one-minute video.
"The psychology of poverty is still a relatively new research direction at the interface of economics and psychology," explains the scientific and partnership couple Julie Chytilová and Michal Bauer from Charles University.They present more in one minute.
Science at CU: Preventing pregnancy complications
"Our long-term research is devoted to the development of new technologies for the screening of pregnancy complications during the first trimester," says Ilona Hromadníková, a physician/scientist from the Third Faculty of Medicine.
"We explore the extremes of the vertebrate eye. Deep-sea fish are very interesting in that they have many extreme adaptations, from which we can then draw conclusions for our human ventricular eye," explains evolutionary biologist Zuzana Musilová from the Faculty of Science of Charles University. More in one minute.
Science at CU: The era of superspecialists is ending
"The era of superspecialists is coming to an end, the future belongs to graduates who are able to connect individual disciplines and find solutions to complex problems," says molecular biologist Jan Černý from the Faculty of Science.
Science at CU: Cybersecurity not just a tech field
"Cybersecurity is not just about technical knowledge, but includes a wide range of disciplines incl. diplomacy, international law, int'l relations or psychology," explains Lucie Kadlecová in one minute, who returned to the Czech Republic after working abroad.
Science at CU: Teaching keeps you on your toes, always looking ahead
Even pedagogy is a science. Teacher Daniel Pražák, who recently completed his doctoral studies at the Faculty of Education of Charles University, knows this. What does he enjoy most about teaching? Find out in one minute.
Science at CU: The goal? To improve supercomputers
Explain your research clearly in one minute. This is exactly the task given to scientists from Charles University in the new video series Science at CU. The first to take on the task was mathematician Erin Carson, who is inventing new algorithms for supercomputers.
Bridging the world of science and everyday life
“Be a sponge – keep absorbing information from a broad perspective,” says Professor Albert Heck from Utrecht University. Heck is internationally recognised as one of the top pioneers in the use of mass spectrometry for large-scale protein research.
Och: At KVIFF, we are a close-knit team that lives for film
“Any discussion about a good film inevitably ends up being a discussion about life,” says Karel Och, the artistic director of the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. A graduate of film studies at Charles University, Och has been a part of KVIFF for years.
On Tuesday, Charles University welcomed renowned political scientist Ivan Krastev to deliver a famous lecture: A Hall of Broken Mirrors at the Patriots’ Hall at the historic Carolinum building. The talk reflected on the future of the international order in the face of Russian aggression in Ukraine.
Dictionary.com chose “woman” as its word of the year for 2022, an apt choice which could apply to Charles University. In February, for the first time in its history, the position of rector was taken up by a woman: professor and scientist Milena Králíčková. The events of 2022 demonstrated the importance and necessity of science more than ever.
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