Displaying items by tag: students
Students pull off hockey sensation at University Games
The Czech team won five medals at the Winter World University Games in Turin, Italy. Hockey players claimed gold, while biathletes Petr Hák and Svatava Mikysková secured silver in the relay. Three bronze medals were also earned.
The mass shooting that took place at the Faculty of Arts last December changed the university and the whole of society to the core, causing profound sadness and heartache. A new documentary looking at the tragedy and the healing process will air on Czech TV on 21 December.
Where better to kick off the 2024/25 academic year than at the Kampus Hybernská cultural and educational centre? Upper-year students are already familiar with this creative hub, but for first-years, it was a truly UniKátní START (Unique Start) to the next phase in educational life.
European Researchers' Night CZ embraces 'transformation'
The final Friday in September saw the return of Czech European Researchers' Night, where scientific and educational institutions across the Czech Republic open their doors to curious visitors. Charles University, of course, took part.
Congratulations to our students who gave their all in Paris!
Thirteen students from Charles University were among the Czech representatives at this year's Olympic Games in Paris. Although they didn’t finish on the podium, some came close and all made a mark!
Yachting duo made it to Olympics earlier than they expected!
Only the top 20 crews from 20 countries get to compete in yachting events at the Olympics. And Czechia is the only one without direct access to the sea. We were represented by Sára Tkadlecová and Zosia Burska, both from CU.
Flying at high speed over water is an adrenaline rush!
It’s no surprise windsurfing is a big sport in coastal countries, but it enjoys considerable popularity in landlocked Czechia. Kateřina Švíková, representing the Czech Republic at the Olympic Games in Paris, is proof.
In the latest Insight, student ambassador Fatima Ahmed outlines the ins and outs of the exam period. How to survive, how to stay on your game and not burn the candle at both ends. Both a fun read and great, practical advice.
Conf. on joint study programmes delivers with flying colours
On Friday, Charles University hosted a highly successful, much-awaited conference entitled “Building Excellence in International Joint Study Programmes”. Under the auspices of Rector Milena Králíčková, the meeting of int'l experts went off without a hitch.
4EU+ Alliance fine-tunes road map for 2025 - 2035
Representatives of the eight prestigious universities that make up the 4EU+ Alliance met over two days at CU this week to chart the course for the coming decade. CU, as one of the founding members, was a fitting venue for a meeting on the newest goals.
The protective gear alone is impressive but just wait until you witness two opponents go at each other. With fluid sword movements reminiscent of the ancient samurai, competitors shout and strike. Such is kendo. And such is a student of the Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Hradec Králové, Nikol Eichlerová. The European Champion.
Commemoration participants embrace Faculty of Arts
Thousands of people, including many students and staff, took part in a commemorative event at Charles University on Thursday, 4 January – fourteen days after an unprecedented tragedy unfolded at the Faculty of Arts.
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