Displaying items by tag: physics
Polarons play a role in a range of important technologies
Martin Setvín has truly had a great run lately. In 2023 he received an ERC CZ grant for his research on polarons in solids. Last autumn, Science Advances published the latest discoveries by his team. And he capped 2024 with an ERC Consolidator Grant!
CERN: Not just particle physics, an 'incubator' for specialists
As part of the recent 70th-anniversary of CERN and close collaboration with the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics at Charles University, we spoke to Czech experimental particle physicist Martin Rybář, a top science communicator.
This week, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University celebrated 70 years since its foundation. “From today's perspective, the faculty seems young. However, the tradition of mathematics, physics and astronomy at Charles University has been going on for almost 700 hundred years,” Rector Milena Králíčková said.
High school students can sign up for Particle Prague 2022
Particle Prague 2022 is a five-day event offering high school students a week in the world of particle physics, co-organised by the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. The event will be held in September but the deadline for registration is 30 April.
FORUM EN 13 2024
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