Displaying items by tag: astrobiology
Czech-born scientist on search for life on icy worlds
Students interested in space technology and research in the space industry recently had a rare opportunity to attend a lecture in Prague by Czech-born scientist Aria Vítková, who completed her PhD in England and works for NASA.
From the Prebiotic phase to the building blocks of life
As a scientist Lukáš Petera is interested in whether the bombardment by asteroids and comets in the early days of the solar system led to the start of life on Earth. For his thesis on the subject he received the prestigious Werner von Siemens Award in March.
“Have you ever imagined what life would be like if it evolved in a cold ocean beneath an impenetrable shell of ice, or on a world whose haze obscured the universe beyond?” That is a question posed by members of EAI such as Julie Nováková, a biologist and PhD student at Charles University, launching a campaign to publish a new sci-fi anthology.
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