Displaying items by tag: Science

A whale named Ilga

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Friday, 19 February 2021 07:55

It was apparent that the complete but darkened skeleton of a small whale at the Museum of Human and Comparative Anatomy would eventually fall apart. But restorers achieved something remarkable: returning the skeleton – one of only two in the Czech Republic – to its former glory, while also preserving soft tissue. The team was headed by anthropologist and anatomist Andrej Shbat.

Sleep is Karel Blahna’s focus of research. At the Biomedical Center at Charles University’s Faculty of Medicine in Plzeň, he looks into how the brain’s sleep activity changes in sickness and health. He was able to put together a team and conduct research thanks to support from CU’s Primus programme.

A team of Czech parasitologists from CU’s Faculty of Science has been working with researchers from Great Britain, Israel, and Canada to develop an effective vaccine preventing against leishmaniasis, a parasitic disease transmitted by sand flies. The results of their study were published in the prestigious journal Nature Communications.

There are more than 3‚000 species of termites, and their combined mass is greater than the combined mass of all human beings on the planet. They’re best known as pests that can gnaw through your house, but only in recent years has more research been done into their significance for the ecosystem.

„Charakterizují ho dredy a zápal pro evoluční a vývojovou biologii. Je velmi inteligentní a má hodně načteno – umí si spojit různé věci a do týmu vybrat ty nejlepší lidi,” říká o Robertu Černému jeho kolega Peter Fabian. Společně stojí za článkem o studiu adenohypofýzy v časopise Science.

„Pro takové objevy musíte mít jednak štěstí, a hlavně musíte být připravený a schopný je vidět. A já jsem byl,“‎ říká Peter Fabian z University of Southern California. Je prvoautorem vědecké studie, která vyšla v Science - spolu s kolegy se mu podařilo odhalit evoluční původ adenohypofýzy.

Lab contributed to testing and put years of experience into new commercial kit

For 30 years Professor Stanislav Kmoch has devoted himself to the research of rare diseases; during the coronavirus pandemic, his laboratory was able to apply significant know-how in the development of new diagnostic kits for the detection of Covid-19.

A number of deadly viruses are believed to have originated in bats, including Ebola and the original SARS. The indications are that the novel coronavirus SARS-Cov-2 also made the jump from bats, most likely through an intermediary species.

f the novel coronavirus had never hit, Ruth Tachezy would have been doing other things: applying for funding, heading a national reference laboratory, and publishing. She would have been helping her students at the Faculty of Science and would have been preparing for an upcoming conference and a mountaineering vacation. Instead, she opted to tackle a higher “mountain”.

“I have actually never done anything else,” is how Marek Stibal, who has been studying biological processes in glacial ecosystems for almost 20 years.

A team of scientists from the Institute for Democracy & Economic Analysis (IDEA) has offered its expertise to try and curb the negative economic impact of coronavirus pandemic.

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