Displaying items by tag: conference

Charles University’s Hall of Patriots was the site for an important conference organised by Microsoft on Thursday, featuring the company’s Vice-chair and President Brad Smith. He gave a keynote presentation called Sustaining Trust in the New AI Economy.

On Friday, Charles University wrapped up a fascinating two-day event, bringing together researchers, policymakers, educators, PhD students and administrative staff within the 4EU+ Alliance to explore the ever-growing impact of AI.

On Friday, Charles University hosted a highly successful, much-awaited conference entitled “Building Excellence in International Joint Study Programmes”. Under the auspices of Rector Milena Králíčková, the meeting of int'l experts went off without a hitch.

Charles University recently outlined the scope of a major research project. Beyond security: The role of conflict in building resilience will bring together studies by numerous participants, across disciplines, to examine the impact of crises.

On Tuesday, 10 October, Charles University hosted an international Czech-American conference on the topic of "Value and Quality in Healthcare: Czech and American Perspectives." The event was co-organized by Lahey Hospital & Medical Center (LHMC).

This Tuesday, Charles University hosted a much-awaited conference organised by Science|Business and the Science|Business Widening initiative. The event was part of a series of debates on how to transform the Widening Programme.

Hundreds of ombuds from around the world, not just Europe, were hosted by Charles University as part of the 18th annual ENOHE conference. Together, participants sought ways to improve the overall safety environment at universities.

On 26 and 27 May, Rectors from LERU and CE7 universities met at Charles University, Prague, at the invitation of CU Rector Milena Králíčková. The meeting was the first of two planned this year, with the second scheduled in Warsaw in September.

Zurich is more than the Swiss city of chocolate and banking or one of the richest cities in the world: recently, it was the destination where communicators from all over Europe converged. The conference central theme  of the annual conference was “Science communication: how to engage nowadays”.

Charles University, in conjunction with the French Embassy, the Education Ministry, DZS and Erasmus+, has just hosted a conference on the importance of university alliances. More and more, alliances are gaining recognition as crucial for universities in Europe.

Charles University recently hosted a one-day conference at the Patriotic Hall bringing together top members of the legislative branches from the Czech, Estonian, Lithuanian, and Latvian Parliaments, to mark 100 years since the Czechoslovaks gave de jure recognition to the three Baltic states. The event also focussed on lessons for today.

Last February saw the cancellation of Venkov 2021 due to the pandemic. The popular conference hosted by the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development and organised by Dr. Radim Perlín, has always been an opportunity for regional stakeholders to connect with researchers and government planners. Luckily, this year, it returned.

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