Displaying items by tag: fake news
Religionistka: Představy o spiknutí kolují už od antiky
Spiknutí židozednářů, jakobínů, iluminátů... Představy o tom, že ve společnosti zákulisně operují skupiny zlých lidí, kteří chtějí ovládnout svět, se objevují po staletí. Nové konspirační teorie ze starých mocně čerpají, dokazuje Kateřina Hlaváčová z HTF UK.
Medici PRO Očkování (Med Students for Vaccination) is an initiative begun more than three years ago before anyone had heard of Covid-19. The pandemic has put the group front and centre. It’s aim is to provide the public with honest and factual information about why it’s important to get the jab. Forum spoke to the organisation’s Jaromír Astl.
Experts vs. “experts” - How to report science
Experts vs. “experts” - Scientists in the Media was the title of an online panel discussion on Thursday hosted by Kampus Hybernská. Four invited speakers – two well-known science journalists and two scientists, discussed the difficulties of their fields and where they overlapped, as well as the damage caused by some experts spreading denial.
This week Charles University hosted a webinar as part of its continuing public debate series Česko a jak dál. The topic was disinformation and fake news in connection with Covid-19. Disinformation has been part of the mix from the very beginning of the pandemic.
Disinformation online by malicious actors by now will surprise few people – but the big question is how best to tackle the problem. Increasingly, some are saying more damage than good is committed when the issue is framed only in alarmist terms and described solely as conflict or war – shutting down critical thinking.
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