Displaying items by tag: St Andrews
A single overly academic syllable can sink a poem
Peter Mackay has been hailed by critics as the best poet of his generation writing in Scottish Gaelic. He currently works at the School of English at the University of St Andrews and also serves as the captain of the Scottish Writers’ Football Team.
A joint seed-funding programme between Charles University and the University of St Andrews is an excellent means of bringing together top researchers, say Joseph North from the elite Scottish university and Jaromír Soukup from strategic partner Charles University. They outline the project in Forum.
Co pojí Karlovku se St. Andrews? Nejen seed-funding
„Společný program počátečního financování, seed-funding, spojuje výzkumníky z Univerzity Karlovy a University of St Andrews,“ píší Joseph North z elitní skotské univerzity a Jaromír Soukup z Centra strategických partnerství Univerzity Karlovy.
FORUM EN 13 2024
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FORUM 69 1/2025
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