Displaying items by tag: Motol University Hospital
Nový děkan Babjuk by rád fakultu plnou spokojených lidí
Téměř osm let zastával pozici personálního proděkana na 2. lékařské fakultě UK. Od 1. února 2022 profesor Marko Babjuk usedá do fakultního křesla nejvyššího – děkanského, aby v něm zahájil své první funkční období.
“When I started, the chances of curing the most common types of paediatric leukaemia were around 20 percent – today it is up to 90 percent. Not every doctor gets to live to see that,” says Professor Jan Starý, a paediatric haematologist at Charles University’s Second Faculty of Medicine and Motol University Hospital.
Neuron broadcast with CU experts focuses on vaccines
Even though vaccination for Covid-19 has begun in the Czech Republic, there are still many people who remain sceptical and have expressed fear or doubts. Anyone among the broader public wanting to view a serious debate on the matter should look up a discussion that was live this week organised by the Neuron Endowment Fund.
FORUM EN 13 2024
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FORUM 68 4/2024
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