Displaying items by tag: mathematics

“Realistic expectations are necessary when applying for an ERC grant but there's no point in being overly modest,” says Pavel Veselý from the Institute of Informatics, CU. The researcher was awarded a prestigious ERC CZ grant in June.

It has been almost two years since the Russian attack on Ukraine began at dawn on 24 February 2022. Ahead of the sombre anniversary, Forum reports on the work of Ukrainian scientists and scholars at Charles University.

“It is an unprecedented success,” says Martin Loebl, the head of the Department of Applied Mathematics at Charles University, regarding Hans Raj Tiwary. He has been awarded the Gödel Prize - one of the most prestigious awards in the field of computer science.

This week, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University celebrated 70 years since its foundation. “From today's perspective, the faculty seems young. However, the tradition of mathematics, physics and astronomy at Charles University has been going on for almost 700 hundred years,” Rector Milena Králíčková said.

“Our goal is to create a universal natural language generator that will be able to learn from only a few examples and will not make mistakes,” says Ondřej Dušek from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. His work landed him a prestigious ERC grant.

“Most of my work still takes place on paper,” says theoretical mathematician Zdeněk Dvořák from the Computer Science Institute of Charles University. He focuses on combinatorics, graph theory, and theoretical informatics, and he received the ERC CZ Consolidator Grant for his research.