Displaying items by tag: Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya

“It has to be talked about, even though personally it hurts a lot...” Belarusian-born historian Alena Marková from the Faculty of Humanities warns that the ‘normalisation’ now in Belarus is similar to Czechoslovakia after 1968.

Běloruská opoziční vůdkyně Svjatlana Cichanouská je na čtyřdenní návštěvě České republiky a v pondělí odpoledne se spolu se svým týmem sešla také k jednání na Univerzitě Karlově. Na programu schůzky byly způsoby pomoci studentům a podpora demokracie v Bělorusku.

Belarusian opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya is on a four-day visit to the Czech Republic. The leader was invited to Prague by the speaker of the Senate, Miloš Vystrčil. On Monday afternoon, she and her team met for talks at Charles University. On the agenda: ways to help students and to support democracy in Belarus.

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