Displaying items by tag: Jan Starý

Two Czech scientists who have contributed significantly to global research with their lifetime of work, one scientific transfer project and six young scientific talents. These are this year's awards from the Neuron Foundation for Science. Six of the nine awards have gone to Charles University.

“When I started, the chances of curing the most common types of paediatric leukaemia were around 20 percent – today it is up to 90 percent. Not every doctor gets to live to see that,” says Professor Jan Starý, a paediatric haematologist at Charles University’s Second Faculty of Medicine and Motol University Hospital. 

„Když jsem začínal, tak šance na vyléčení nejčastějšího typu dětské leukémie byla dvacet procent, dnes je to až devadesát. To nezažije každý lékař,“ shrnuje obrovský pokrok ve svém oboru hematolog Jan Starý, který svůj profesní život spojil s 2. lékařskou fakultou UK a FN Motol.

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