Displaying items by tag: Forum Radio

Identita (or Identity) is a project that highlights both the past history and present of Czech graphic design. It was created by design experts Filip Blažek and Linda Kudrnovská (graduates of the Faculty of Arts at CU) who clinched a Czech Grand Design Award not long after our interview. 

Michal Smetana is a highly-respected researcher at CU specialising in international relations, security studies, and geopolitics whose research focuses on issues such as international security, global governance, and the role of public opinion in foreign policy.

Forum magazine last year continued to provide extensive coverage about the goings-on at Charles University – profiling inspiring personalities and interviewing both established and up-and-coming researchers, academics, innovators, and artists.

In today’s podcast we delve into the complexities of managing a prestigious institution like Charles University. My guest is Aleš Vlk, an expert in higher education policy, science policy a vice-dean at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport.

Martin Hilský is a professor emeritus from the Faculty of Arts at Charles University and a household name in Czechia most famous for his translations of William Shakespeare - not just every single play but also the Sonnets. Our guest today.

My guest is Petr Witz, a Postdoc researcher from the Dept. of Public and Social Policy at the Institute of Sociological Studies at CU. As a researcher, Witz worked with the largest cross-border infrastructure project in Europe - the Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link.

Od letošního 1. ledna má Univerzita Karlova svoji první ombudsmanku. Stala se jí Kateřina Šámalová. Proč se specialistka na oblast sociální ochrany zranitelných osob a odborná asistentka na Filozofické fakultě UK rozhodla stát se obhájkyní spravedlnosti? Poslechněte si ji v podcastu Forum Radio.

Last month saw the publication of a much-anticipated new monograph titled Little Berlin in Big Prague by artist and academic researcher Lenka Kerdová. The basis for the book was fascinating research examining Prague architecture in the interwar period. 

Petra Guasti is a highly-respected sociologist and political scientist at Charles University. In this episode of Forum Radio, she discusses some of her main topics of interest: populism, polarisation and radicalism in Czech society through the prism of the recent presidential election.

It’s always fascinating to see a book become a bestseller: Jan Fingerland's Hebrejky (Women ot the Old Testament) is one such book, taking a complex and multifaceted look at the stories, cultural and religious beliefs surrounding famous female figures in the Bible. From Eve to the Virgin Mary.

Jaroslav Švelch is an expert in media studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University and the author of a fascinating social history titled Gaming the Iron Curtain from MIT Press. Feb 7 sees the release of a new book from the same publisher called Player vs. Monster: The Making and Breaking of Video Game Monstrosity.

In today's episode, Forum Radio talks to well-known American literary translator Alex Zucker. Zucker’s translations include novels by some of the best contemporary Czech authors including Bianca Bellová, Petra Hůlová and Jáchym Topol.

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