Suburban camp participants get to face Fear Factor

Tuesday, 26 November 2013 15:19

The Charles University Faculty of Science decided to organize an adventure suburban camp for fearless boys and girls aged 6–15 who are interested in nature and sciences. For a whole week from August 15–20 a varied and entertaining programme was prepared for the kids.

Ninth World Shakespeare Congress will take place in Prague from 17 to 22 July 2011. The general theme is “Renaissance Shakespeare: Shakespeare Renaissances and the organisers are the International Shakespeare Association, Charles University and the National Theatre. The principal partners are the City of Prague and Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. The Congress will be attended by approximately 600 Shakespeare scholars, Elizabethan literature and theatre specialists from all continents.

It all started with hogweed

Tuesday, 26 November 2013 15:19

Pyšek on April 7, 2010 in the Great Hall of Karolinum. Professor Pyšek has spent two decades studying plant invasions, a topic he is also working on with his doctoral students at the Charles University Faculty of Science. Last year, 17 papers that he wrote or co-wrote were published in impact journals.

Jana Poltierová Vejpravová Received the Scopus Award

Tuesday, 26 November 2013 15:19

On April 27, 2010, RNDr. Jana Poltierová Vejpravová, Ph.D., received the prestigious Scopus Award for young scientists for her work which is a major contribution to experimental and theoretical description of spin states in solid-state matters. The awards were handed out for the first time in the Czech Republic by the largest publisher of scientific journals and databases, Elsevier Science.

Photo: Marie Čechová

On May 13, RNDr. Marie Kalbáčová, Ph.D. from the Institute of Inherited Metabolic Disorders of the Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine, received the L'Oréal For Women in Science scholarship for her work “Interaction of Cells and Nanomaterials: New Perspectives of Implantology and Bioelectronics”.

Over two thirds of people in the Czech Republic do not know what the most frequent cause of death related to smoking. It has been shown by a survey, which was conducted in March by 5th year students of the Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine. Around 18,000 Czechs die of smoking-related causes every year.

Conference "Academic Lessons for Economic Policy”

Tuesday, 26 November 2013 15:19

The “Academic Lessons for Economic Policy” conference took place on May 12 in the building of the Institute of Economic Studies in Opletalova Street in Prague. Attracting great interest from students, experts and the general public, the conference also celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Faculty of Social Sciences and 20 years of state-independent economics in the Czech Republic.

The autumn course named “The sociologist as an involved observer, or How to write sociology for the media”, which took place in September 20 – 25 in the Faculty of Social Sciences’ Hollar building, was a joint project of the Faculty’s Institute of Sociology (ISS) and the Lidové Noviny newspaper (LN). It was focused at doctoral and advanced graduate students of sociology and related disciplines. Jan Maršálek from the ISS served as the project’s coordinator.

The Fernando Gil Award, which includes a generous monetary prize, is sometimes called the Nobel Prize for philosophy. The first annual award was granted to Professor Ladislav Kvasz, a member of the Department of Mathematics and Didactics of Mathematics since 2007, for his book called Patterns of Change: Linguistic Innovations in the Development of Classical Mathematics, which bridges the disciplines of mathematics and philosophy.

Between September 22-25, Prague hosted the annual meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE). Dr. Jan Lebl, head of the Paediatric Clinic of the Charles University 2nd Faculty of Medicine led the organisation team and was appointed the president of Society for this year.

The fourth annual Scientia Pragensis event took place as usually on the last Friday of November at the University of Economics, Prague. The science day hosted speakers from Prague’s institutions of higher education, who gave talks about the most recent developments and findings in their fields. Charles University was represented by Dr. Václav Matoušek from the Faculty of Humanities and Professor Zdeněk Sedláček from the 2nd Faculty of Medicine.

On November 16, the night before the Students Day and the anniversary of the Velvet Revolution, notable academics and young researchers received the annual Josef, Marie and Zdeňka Hlávka Foundation Awards. Among the guests that gathered at the Lužany Chateau were Professor Jiří Drahoš, President of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Professor Václav Havlíček, Rector of the Czech Technical University, Mr. Michal Lukeš, General Director of the Czech National Museum and Professor Ivan Wilhelm, Czech government’s Commissioner for European Research and a Hlávka medal laureate. Charles University was represented by the prorector for doctoral programmes and academic qualifications, Professor Ivan Jakubec.

Tuberculosis – Not Just a Disease of the Poor

Tuesday, 26 November 2013 15:19

“Tuberculosis was and still is a disease of the poor but you may also contract it when you are overworked and employed at a government ministry, for example. All depends on your susceptibility to TB and on who you come into contact with,” said Prof. MUDr. Jiří Homolka, DrSc., head of the First Department of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases of the Charles University First Faculty of Medicine and the General Teaching Hospital, at an event to mark World Tuberculosis Day.

In September 17–19, an international symposium took place in Prague, discussing the position of protestant theology at universities, in the church and in the society. It was organised jointly by the Society for Scientific Theology and Charles University’s Protestant Theological Faculty.

Jan Chmelarčík graduated from the Master’s programme in sinology at the Charles University Faculty of Arts and is now a postgraduate student at the Institute of Musicology, focusing on the ritual music of Southwestern Shandong. He is also an active performer of Chinese music – he is one of the few Czechs to have mastered the 21-string zheng zither; along with his former classmates, he is also a member of the Kungpao China Rock Revival Band.

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