PRVOUK brings together researchers who have until now known each other by name
A year ago, Charles University launched PRVOUK, a set of programmes offering scientists and scholars the opportunity for interdisciplinary co-operation and intergenerational research teams. How successful was the launch of the dialogue between disciplines and generations in the programme entitled History in Interdisciplinary Perspective? Doc. Marie Šedivá Koldinská, a member of the programme's board, explains.
Scientists from Anthropictures studio help to make life in towns better
Their aim is to make life in public spaces better, help town councils find the best way to develop their communities and also to increase public awareness of social anthropology. They call themselves the Anthropictures studio. The members of this studio are social anthropologists from universities all over the Czech Republic. One of them is Markéta Slavková, a postgraduate student at the CU Faculty of Humanities.
How many words for one God? Martin Prudký on the Colloquium Biblicum symposium.
In the following interview, the main organizer of the Colloquium Biblicum, doc. ThDr. Martin Prudký, Charles University Prorector for Student Affairs and head of the Department of Old Testament Studies at the Protestant Theological Faculty, talks about this year’s symposium whose theme focused on the linguistic and rhetorical aspects of the “monotheistic” concept of god in Biblical and related traditions.
On March 3, 2011, the Institute of Czech Literature and Literary Studies organized an event to promote the book “Dějiny nové moderny. Česká literatura v letech 1905–1923” (The History of New Modernism. Czech Literature 1905–1923). Co-organized by the Students’ Council of the Charles University Faculty of Arts, the event took place in a lecture hall on the faculty’s premises on náměstí Jana Palacha.
The Bohemia Jesuitica 1556-2006 Book Published by the Karolinum Publishing House
On January 13, 2011, the new publication Bohemia Jesuitica 1556-2006 was introduced at an event that took place in the ceremonial halls of the Karolinum building. The aim of the book is not only to commemorate the 450th anniversary of the Society of Jesus (or Jesuits) in Bohemia.
Kateřina Schlöglová: “Deposit geology has not said its last word.”
“And how will I recognize you?” I asked Kateřina Schlöglová, a geology student at the Charles University Faculty of Science and the main organizer of the Mineral Resources for the Society conference that I was planning to visit. “You definitely won’t miss a female geologist in high heels. They look kind of out of place and dainty compared to her usual footwear – hiking boots.”
Human liver computer model is being tested in Pilsen. It will help to plan better operations.
The interuniversity team of MUDr. Václav Liška, Ph.D., has been testing a software model of the liver tissue at the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen which is able to compute the possibilities of the regeneration of an organ after large surgery. It should help mainly oncology patients soon.
If they choose to, mushrooms can control us quite efficiently; they can even get us into a pickle!
Museums and art galleries usually display outstanding works of art. In the case of the Culture Collection of Fungi (CCF) of the Department of Botany of the Charles University Faculty of Science, the unique exhibits on display are mushrooms. And it is not totally off the point to compare mushrooms to works of art.
A Deep Look Inside a Carnivorous Plant at the Faculty of Science’s Children’s Day
More than 200 pre-school children and almost 250 elementary school pupils from the second district of Prague, which is also the home of the Faculty of Science, participated in the faculty’s special children’s day on September 13. In the faculty’s Botanical Garden, kids were exploring where gold comes from and what an engorged tick looks like under the microscope. The patient ones could even count how many flies a carnivorous plant can catch in an hour.
Rough weather and darkness – adversaries faced by FPES students
The race bearing the name “Taják” has probably the longest tradition among the regular contests organized by the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport (FPES). In the evening of Wednesday, October 19, the 42nd annual race was held – this time the venue of the Hostivař dam was chosen from among Prague’s woods and parks.
STARS Scholarship Programme for Talented Doctoral Student Launched at the Faculty of Science
“Educating doctoral students is one of the main priorities of the Faculty of Science”, says Doc. RNDr. Vojtěch Ettler, Ph.D., Vice-Dean for doctoral programmes at the faculty. This priority gave birth do the STARS programme.
Faculty of Humanities research team studies phenomenon of garden colonies
Are gardening colonies a relic of the past or are they still an important part of today’s urban society? What makes people travel to the garden areas? Will city gardens still exist in the future? Answers to these questions are being sought by a research team headed by Mgr. et Mgr. Arnošt Novák from the department of social and cultural ecology at the Charles University Faculty of Humanities.
Charles University Physicist Čížek Proves the Connection Between Formation of Molecules and Giant Stars
“Research cannot be fully planned and you never know what you will discover”, says the Creativity Award recipient, assistant professor Martin Čížek from the Charles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, the co-author of a paper published in the prestigious journal Science. The theoretical physicist, whose calculations influenced the models of the formation of first nebulas and starts after the Big Bang, is a fan of the Big Bang Theory TV show.
David Storch’s work at the Center for Theoretical Study focuses on macroecology and evolutionary ecology. He is currently involved in two projects investigating the processes that determine natural diversity.
Is sitting by a motorway healthier than smoking a hubble-bubble?
The majority of Charles University students have no idea that water-pipe smoking is more harmful than cigarette smoking – according to a poll carried out by fourth-year students from the Charles University First Faculty of Medicine. Two thirds of almost 700 respondents displayed alarming ignorance as they believed that the hubble-bubble was safer than or equally harmful as cigarette smoking.
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