Displaying items by tag: security
CU & security: Creating a safety culture is very important
Almost six months have passed since tragedy struck the Faculty of Arts at Charles University, claiming 14 lives. Forum discussed key steps since taken with the head of the Central Crisis Staff of CU, Otomar Sláma, and security expert Zdeněk Kalvach.
Not your battlefield! Students express support for Ukraine
“They are fighting for our freedom here as well,” was the message sent by the Faculty of Arts’ Dr. Radomyr Mokryk, currently in Lviv. He was one of the panellists at a student event held at Kampus Hybernská. The happening took place a day after Russian military forces attacked Ukraine.
Tomáš Weiss from the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Charles University is the editor of a new book on the influence of small states in international security. “It may be interesting for Czech readers that the book devotes several chapters to the Czech Republic,” he says.
FORUM EN 13 2024
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FORUM 68 4/2024
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