Displaying items by tag: psychology
“I teach my students that living a good quality life where we feel good doesn't always mean that everything works out. Negative emotions reveal a lot about our value systemsays Jana Kočí from CU's Faculty of Education.
Loučka: Palliative care is a science like any other
The only certainty in our lives is its end. Yet we avoid the subject of dying as much as possible. “Palliative care is not just about the end of life. It is about living well for as long as possible, despite a serious illness,” says Martin Loučka, assistant professor at the Third Faculty of Medicine.
The day may come when she will fulfil her childhood dream and become a musical star; but for the moment, Karolína Mikysková is focusing on her studies in psychology at the Faculty of Arts at Charles University. She is also involved in charity and volunteer work, which includes helping cancer patients.
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