Displaying items by tag: law
How to build a more tolerant society? T. Dumbrovský's view
Tomáš Dumbrovský traveled to the Persian Gulf because he needed to step out of the Western cultural framework. As the very first researcher associated with the Faculty of Law at CU, he received a prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant.
Not all disputes have to end up in court: Mediation can help
When you seek a divorce in the US, it is likely that the court will recommend or even order you to try to resolve the split by mediation first. Noemi Kotrlá, a student at the Faculty of Law, has focused on out-of-court dispute resolution.
UN Refugee Agency signs co-op memorandum with CU
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, on Wednesday, 19 June 2024, signed a new Cooperation Agreement with Charles University and the school‘s Faculty of Law. The agreement is intended to further develop existing cooperation.
Unique centre to focus on armed conflict research
It is among 20 research projects newly supported by Charles University. A unique University Centre for Conflict and Post-Conflict Studies in Central Europe has been established at the Faculty of Law under the leadership of Professor Veronika Bílková.
Few experts in the social sciences have influenced their field as much as Leopold Pospíšil, whose memoir was published last month by Charles University’s Karolinum Press. During his storied career, the anthropologist befriended the Inuit in Alaska and the Kapauku in Papua New Guinea.
Professor David N. Weisstub is a world-leading expert on ethics, bioethics, law and mental health. This month he was awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of Charles University in the field of medical sciences for his outstanding long-term contribution in the field of ethics and bioethics.
I love teaching, says Ph.D. student with Olympic experience
Jan Exner has taken part in more Olympic Games than many, first as a volunteer and later as a lawyer for the Czech Olympic Committee. He was in PyeongChang and Tokyo, but he won’t be headed to Beijing; he discovered he enjoys teaching at university most of all.
Street Law's Michal Urban on the importance of legal literacy
Street Law is a program first introduced by Georgetown University in the United States in the early 1970s to boost professional development of its law students while passing on practical knowledge in high schools. Inspired by the project, The Faculty of Law’s Michal Urban founded a Street Law chapter at Charles University in 2009.
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