Displaying items by tag: biology
Invasive plants spread all around the globe
Biologist Petr Pyšek is the proud holder of the prestigious Czech Head award recognising his life’s work. He received the award in 2022 for the study of invasive organisms. “Invasive ecology is a field that examines how humans spread plants and animals around the world and guages their impact on nature,” he explains.
Biologist Jiří Bártek: A lifelong passion for science
“I have always been fascinated by basic mechanisms and to understand how things work inside the cell,” says cell biologist Jiři Bártek, the most cited Czech scientist, awarded an honorary doctorate from Charles University in 2022.
Winning the “Book of the Year” award in one of Europe’s largest countries is a major success, not just for the author but for Czech culture as a whole. When it happens twice in a row, it speaks to something more: obsession, in a positive sense. That is the kind of success scientist Stanislav Komárek has enjoyed in Ukraine.
FORUM EN 13 2024
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