Gala Concert with Ars Instrumentalis Pragensis

Author: Suzanna Knuckey
Photo: Suzanna Knuckey
Thursday, 29 October 2015 15:01

It is a nice tradition of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of CU to invite their employees, friends and students to a series of gala concerts during each academic year.  By the occasion of the autumn concert on the 21st of October the chamber ensemble Ars Instrumentalis Pragensis performed an outstanding concert within the main hall of the Carolinum.

Georgian Minister Explains Reforms in Justice on Long Route to Democracy

Author: Rachael Jane Ruth
Thursday, 29 October 2015 15:01

'The route to democracy is difficult,' explained Tea Tsulukiani, Minister of Justice for Georgia. On Friday 21st November, the Faculty of Law was pleased to host Ms Tsulukiani for a short but detailed account of the changes taking place in Georgia in light of relations with the European Union.

CU Rector Welcomed the Representatives of Dozens of World Universities in Carolinum

Author: Helena Zdráhalová
Photo: red.
Thursday, 29 October 2015 15:01

Representatives of universities from all around the world met in Carolinum, the heart of the oldest university in central Europe, on Tuesday 16th September 2014. The Rector of Charles University, Professor Tomáš Zima, invited the representatives of CU partner universities for a gathering on the eve of the 26th annual international educational conference EAIE (European Association for International Education), which was held in Prague this year. 

CU Received This Year’s Czech National European Charlemagne Youth Prize

Author: Ivana Herglová
Photo: red.
Thursday, 29 October 2015 15:01

On Tuesday, May 27, Helena Hradilová from the Erasmus Club of the Faculty of Arts of CU received the annual European Charlemagne Youth Prize for Czech Republic for a common project of the Press Department of CU, European Office of CU and the Erasmus Club of the Faculty of Arts, International iForum.

CERN Director General visits Charles University

Author: Petra Köpplová
Photo: red.
Thursday, 29 October 2015 15:01

“My dear audience,” the first words spoken by Rolf-Dieter Heuer, Director General of CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, in his lecture in the full-to-bursting Blue Lecture Hall, provoked a positive reaction. Opening the seminar on particle physics for secondary schools, Heuer emphasised that, even though a small country, the Czech Republic is a very important partner in the CERN project.

Military training at CU: training must be as close to reality as possible

Author: Helena Zdráhalová
Photo: CU Faculty of Physical Education and Sport.
Thursday, 29 October 2015 15:01

For them, war isn’t just something they hear about in the media, but an actual situation that they could very soon find themselves in or for which they will prepare their charges in the future. During their studies they get a taste of what it’s like to test themselves to the limit and must learn to deal with extreme stress – both physical and psychological.

Notification for students upon coming from areas stricken by fevers caused by the ebola virus

Author: MUDr. Vladimír Valenta, Ph.D., Chief Public Health Officer of the Czech Republic
Photo: red.
Thursday, 29 October 2015 15:01

Some west African countries (Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria) and Kongo have currently announced Epidemics caused by the ebola virus.

German Minister of Finance explains the Next Steps for European Integration

Author: Cayla Tomás Murray
Thursday, 29 October 2015 15:01

On Thursday, October 2 afternoon, the Patriotic Hall of Carolinum was bustling with various delegates, students, politicians, ambassadors and ministers. All of these actors contributed to an exciting energy that was felt before the German Minister of Finance, Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble, discussed the next steps for European Integration.

Political Scientist Raises Awareness of Present Controversial Climate in Hong Kong

Author: Rachael Jane Ruth
Photo: red.
Thursday, 29 October 2015 15:01

Monday 27th October, the Institute of Political Science at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University was pleased to host the City University of Hong Kong's Professor Joseph Cheng. Professor Cheng, in association with the International Documentary Film Festival Jihlava, presented information regarding Hong Kong's current tense struggle with China to regain political autonomy and invited discussion with the audience.

Charles University Campus Tour

Author: Ivana Herglová
Thursday, 29 October 2015 15:01

It is a nice tradition of the EAIE, European Association for International Education, to open its annual conferences with several Campus Tours at the premises of the universities in the city or region which hosts the EAIE conference that particular year. In September 2014 the EAIE conference with the title “Stepping into a New Era” took place in Prague, bringing to the city over 5000 higher educational professionals.

Hagiography and Historiography in Medieval Iceland

Author: Suzanna Knuckey
Thursday, 29 October 2015 15:01

On October the 16th 2014, an open lecture was held at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University titled Hagiography and Historiography in Medieval Iceland; the main speaker being Professor Ásdís Egilsdóttir from the School of Humanities in the University of Iceland. The lecture proved to be an interesting insight into the medieval era while successfully outlining the limitations as well as the benefits of the hagiography and historiography when applied to this particular period.

Dr Scott Pace talks about the USA’s National Security Agenda in Space

Author: Cayla Ann Tomás Murray
Photo: PSSI,
Thursday, 29 October 2015 15:01

On Thursday afternoon, 23 April 2015, the American Center of the U.S. Embassy in Malá Strana hosted a variety of delegates including embassy officials, students and scholars. This event, co-hosted by the Prague Security Studies Institute and the Institute of Political Studies of Charles University, aimed to answer one question, “what does space security in the 21st century entail?”

The First Decades of Charles University

Author: Suzanna Knuckey
Photo: red.
Thursday, 29 October 2015 15:01

On November the 6th through to November the 7th, a series of lectures was held at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, titled “The First Decades of the Prague University: Transforming Intellectual Space in 14th-century Central Europe.”

US Ambassador Visits Charles University

Author: Luke Blaylock
Photo: CU
Thursday, 29 October 2015 15:01

Room number J1034, the biggest lecture room in Jinonice, is one I have never entered before the audience with the US ambassador Mr. Andrew H. Schapiro but it was full by the time he and his bodyguard entered followed by a little train of politics club members who had set up the event.

Election Forecasting and the Race to be Prime Minister

Author: Emma Mc Loughlin
Thursday, 29 October 2015 15:01

As a politics student, the relentless coverage of the forthcoming elections in the United Kingdom have caught much of my attention as it looks to be one of the country’s most tightly contested and difficult to predict elections in recent times. To shed light on the subject, last month Charles University was visited by a guest lecturer, Mr Stephen D. Fisher, a professor in political sociology from Oxford University. The topic of the lecture was the role of election forecasting in the UK, with insights given to the current constant polling culture in the country, as well as some predictions from Mr Fisher himself.

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