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In the month of September the musicians traditionally commemorate the birth of one of the leading personalities of Czech music, the composer Antonín Dvořák. In recognition of this event the Charles University Choir opened its 67th season by a concert composed of works by Antonín Dvořák.

Také se nezdržujete čtením nekonečně dlouhých a nesrozumitelných podmínek a rovnou zaškrtáváte souhlas se zpracováním osobních údajů? S tím by měl být od 25. května konec. Budou stručné a jasné. Žádá si to nové obecné nařízení o ochraně osobních údajů.

Filip Sedlák byl koncem minulého roku vysvěcen na kněze Církve československé husitské. Je mu 29 let, je ženatý, má tři děti a slouží v jednom z nejnavštěvovanějších husitských kostelů v Praze. Co obnáší farářské povolání a proč je dobré studovat teologii?

Za pátým vítězstvím v řadě v Evropské univerzitní hokejové lize (EUHL) si sebejistě jdou hráči Univerzity Karlovy. Ve čtvrtfinálových utkáních dvakrát po sobě porazili v prodloužení tým Engineers Prague a postoupili do semifinále turnaje.

Počítačová hra Attentat 1942 si z berlínského herního festivalu A MAZE odvezla první místo. Hra je v Německu i přes svůj úspěch nedostupná kvůli kontroverznímu zákazu zobrazování nacistické symboliky. Jak je to se zákazem u nás?

Čmáráním po lavicích to začalo, v art wrestling to vyústilo. Marek Kulhavý alias komiksový kreslíř a ilustrátor Mára Čmára si studium Katolické teologické fakulty UK prokládá trochu jinými souboji...

Thursday, 26 April 2018 18:40

On Cartographers’ Fears of Blank Spaces

On the 28th of March 2018, Professor Chet Van Duzer from the Stanford University (California, US) presented the guest lecture “With Savage Pictures Fill their Gaps: Cartographer’s Fears of Blank Spaces” at Charles University’s Faculty of Arts‘ central library.

On March 21, 2018, a public debate was organised by Charles University’s Centre for Philosophy, Ethics and Religion to discuss the political role of universities. Three speakers were present, each demonstrating similar opinions on the role of universities in the political sphere. Universities are ambivalent in their nature, successful in their growing appeal to more students each year and yet they are often still undermined by the public sphere. The discussion emphasised how in a time of polarisation, new political challenges in society would undoubtedly affect how universities operate.

The speaker at one of the literary lecture offered in the series 'Life and Biography in the Middle Ages' on the topic of 'A Heathen King' at the Faculty of Arts on the 29th of March was Dr. Rolf Stavnem, who lectures on Nordic medieval literature and languages at the Aarhus University in Denmark.

Upon meeting Mariana that afternoon, what became immediately apparent, was her candid disposition. Indeed, it was not long before we started discussing politics, a topic scarcely discussed even between close acquaintances. Following a delightful exchange of ideas and opinions, she begun to tell me her story.

Zkouškové je ještě daleko, a tak jsme vybrali pár pokladů na Instagramu, které zkvalitní jakoukoli prokrastinaci.

Sunday, 08 April 2018 14:34

Forum 44 4/2018

Tištěné vydání 44–4–2018

Fyzik prof. Rolf-Dieter Heuer a archeolog prof. Thomas Evan Levy dnes obdrželi ve Velké aule historické budovy Karolina čestnou vědeckou hodnost doctor honoris causa. Titul byl oběma vědcům udělen za jejich mimořádné celoživotní vědecké úspěchy a za významný přínos k rozvoji bádání ve spolupráci s Univerzitou Karlovou.

The joint annual ball of the Faculties of Arts and Education took place on Wednesday 7th March 2018. Members of both the faculties all arrived in gorgeous dresses and suits for the evening start at 8 o’clock. Not just students, but also professors, former teachers, and members of the public had since weeks been looking forward to what was to become a magical event. This year’s theme was ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’, one of Shakespeare’s comedies, set in the woodlands by the light of the moon. This topic added a true sparkle to the evening with the atmosphere becoming complete with fairy-like creatures floating around.

Wednesday, 04 April 2018 17:08

Peace vs Justice with Klaartje Quirijns

On the 16th March 2018, and supported by the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Faculty of Humanities of Charles University was host to a screening of the 2012 film Peace vs Justice, followed by a Q & A with the director Klaartje Quirijns (NL).

Wednesday, 04 April 2018 12:11

The Meaning of Colour in Ancient Mesopotamia

As part of the recently formed partnership between Charles University and Brown University (Providence, Rhode Island, United States), Dr Shiyanthi Thavapalan paid a visit to the Czech Institute of Egyptology at the Faculty of Arts. On the 26th of March she delivered a talk based around her PhD dissertation topic: “The Meaning of Colour in Ancient Mesopotamia”.

The New Mace and Ceremonial Gown exhibit held from the 19th January until 20th February 2018 in the Cloister of the Karolinum, the central point of Charles University nestled in the centre of Prague, showcased the Faculty of Social Sciences new ceremonial mace and gown. The ceremonial mace plays an important role in the graduation and matriculation of Charles University students; students lay their fingers on the mace to honour their commitment and loyalty to the University.

To celebrate the centenary year of the formation of Czechoslovakia, Charles University’s exclusive calendar is a combination of the pivotal history of both the State and the University. The year 1918 was crucial to both institutions, as Czechoslovakia was formed, and Charles University took its present name.

Friday, 23 March 2018 18:27

Confucian Humanism and Religion

On December 15, 2017, the Faculty of Arts of Charles University hosted a lecture “Confucian Humanism and Religion“ by Professor Ming-huei Lee from the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy of the Academia Sinica in Taipei, the national academy in Taiwan. In the popular lecture series organized by the National Central Library of Taiwan and the Taiwanese Center on Chinese studies, this is the third event held at Charles University‘s Faculty of Arts since its start in 2015.

Friday, 23 March 2018 16:52

Man Made Man

Man-made Man – Technology and Medicine is an exhibition which has been on at the National Technical Museum in Prague for ten months and shall end on May 27, 2018. This exhibition, which was prepared in co-operation with Charles University and the National Medical Library of the Czech Republic, explores the advancement that humans have made with prosthesis and all other uses of technological substitutes across various fields of medicine.

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