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In the final of a series of lectures on approaches to ‘Classical Hollywood’, Prof. Richard Maltby focussed on the production, distribution and exhibition of entertainment films on an industrial scale. During the lecture Warner Bros film, Jezebel (1938, Director William Wyler), was showed as an example of the role of ‘star vehicles’ in Classical Hollywood’s system.

Friday, 23 March 2018 16:47

Anniversary of Jan Palach’s Death

January 2017 commemorates the 48th anniversary of Charles University student, Jan Palach, setting himself on fire in protest against events in the former Czechoslovakia in 1968.

The European Union started off as the European Coal and Steel Community which began in 1950 and aimed to unite numerous European nations both economically and politically. Since then it has developed significantly and now unites Europe’s academics and innovators. In the lead up to Britain’s EU referendum this June, many debates on membership have ignored the current benefits to British higher education and science which would be lost if Britain were to leave.

Os Guinness is an author and social critic who gave a talk at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University on Monday 6th November 2017 with the sole topic of ‘the truth’ and what role it can play in modern society. What the description of the event and the beginning of the talk both shared in common was an emphasis on the history of the speaker and on the history of the subject matter.

Over 150 Erasmus students heading for Prague for a term or a year of study at Charles University will find themselves living in Trója in the northern part of the city, the location of the 17th November Hall of Residence. Harry Rogers takes a look around an area that boasts not only cheap rooms in the university’s halls of accommodation but also some of the top tourist attractions with magnificent views across the city.

Friday, 23 March 2018 16:47

Erasmus in Prague?

Students from across Europe flock to study for a semester or a year at Charles University in the magnificent city of Prague through the Erasmus project which proudly celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. Alex Leadbitter from De Montfort University in Leicester, England, discovers just what it is that has attracted another group of students who will shortly be arriving in the city to start their Erasmus year at the university.

Friday, 23 March 2018 16:47

Finland – 100 Years of Independence

The Finns achieved independence in the end of the year 1917. Prior to that, starting in 1809 and up to independence, Finland formed a grand duchy in the Russian Empire. Before 1809, the area that is now Finland had been under Swedish rule since at least the 13th century.

The Erasmus Project celebrates its 30th year in 2017, and 2018 will be the 20th year of it operating in the Czech Republic. Ollie Heppenstall explores its history, impact and what the future might hold for this incredible organisation.

Friday, 23 March 2018 16:47

Why or Why Not Erasmus?

Making the decision to spend a year away from home to study at a university in another country is a big step for a student, but is a choice available to many thanks to the Erasmus programme which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. The ability to study abroad not only means students can learn how education differs elsewhere but also enables them to experience different cultures as well as character-building that could shape a lifetime.

Friday, 23 March 2018 16:47

Studying Abroad with Disability

The Erasmus programme celebrates the 30th anniversary of its existence this year. Charles University approached several of its former Erasmus students to share their experience with the programme. Diana Rálišová spent her Erasmus semester in Limerick, Ireland.

Professor Howard Hotson criticizes the British government reforms of higher education. He is a co-author of manifesto In Defence of Public Higher Education which was published by Charles University in czech translation. Professor Hotson visited Prague in November and now you can read an interview with him.

Friday, 23 March 2018 16:47

John Lennox: Time for Science

On Thursday 2nd November 2017, the Law Faculty building of Charles University played host to a talk given by prestigious Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University John Lennox. The lecture was organised by students of Charles University themselves alongside the Faculty of Arts.

Twenty-five years after it was founded, the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University finally has its own insignia. So far, the students making their matriculation and graduation wows had to swear on the scepter borrowed from the Faculty of Arts.

On November 15th, 2016, United States Ambassador to the Czech Republic Mr. Andrew Schapiro gave a lecture to a packed hall of students in the Charles University Law Building. The impressive turnout for the event was somewhat unsurprising, given that the main focus of the Ambassador's lecture was the recent US Presidential election.

In preparation for his upcoming book Professor Dennis Smith, currently residing at the University of Loughborough, has been giving a series of lectures on various political concepts in the context of their socio-political roots.

Friday, 23 March 2018 16:47

Selling Souls

William O’Reilley, a senior lecturer in Early Modern History at the University of Cambridge presented a lecture on November 6 on his upcoming book ‘Selling Souls. Trafficking German migrants, Europe and America, 1648–1780.’

The Map Collection at Charles University was established in 1891 and was moved to Albertov 6, Prague 2, in 1913 where it still remains today. Following this, the Faculty of Science was created in 1920 and with it, the state map collection. Alice Warner, a Journalism student from the De Montfort University, Leicester, England, visited its latest exhibition, which highlights the historical globes produced by a prominent Czech company.

Recently I attended two lectures where guest speakers, Tomáš Klvaňa and Dennis Smith, gave insight into their perspective on Brexit and the European Union. And though both topics have already been heavily discussed, its relevance remains. 

Tuesday, 20 March 2018 11:33

Míra podivnosti: časopis Ink

Marek, Martin, Sára, Tereza a Jakub. Studují žurnalistiku, scenáristiku, dramaturgii a matfyz. Spojuje je záliba v psaní. Píšou hodně, rádi, hezky nebo smutně, hořce i vesele a hlavně s chutí. Jsou úplně jiní, ale taky trochu stejní, a tak někdy píšou spolu. Seznamte se s redakcí časopisu Ink.

Také si lámete hlavu s tím, kdo se postará o vaše malé zvědavce, až budou mít školky v létě prázdniny? Řešením jsou příměstské tábory, které pro děti ve věku od tří let pořádá Přírodovědná školka Rybička Přírodovědecké fakulty UK.

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