Displaying items by tag: Science

"Our goal is to understand the limits of what the vertebrate eye is capable of! By studying the eye of deep-sea fish, we can also learn many useful insights about the human eye" says CU's Zuzana Musilová  - awarded a prestigious ERC Consolidator grant.

Biologist Petr Pyšek is the proud holder of the prestigious Czech Head award recognising his life’s work. He received the award in 2022 for the study of invasive organisms. “Invasive ecology is a field that examines how humans spread plants and animals around the world and guages their impact on nature,” he explains.

The Neuron Foundation this year recognised numerous top scientists incl. experts from Charles University. The award for lifelong contribution to science went to Czech internationally-known chemist František Švec from the Faculty of Pharmacy.

Vysokoškolská studia mají teprve před sebou, ale obě už stihly do vědeckého života „slušně“ vkročit. Adéla Uhrová a Zuzana Buchová – po úspěších i za mořem – od nového akademického roku nastupují ke studiu na Přírodovědecké fakultě UK.

How is sleep related to quality of life? This question was the focus of research by the brother and sister team of Michaela and Aleš Kudrnáč from the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University. The results were published in the journal PLOS ONE.

To date more than 140 promising young scientists have already received Primus support, granting them independence and the chance to start new research groups at CU. On Thursday, 80 new “Primus” hopefuls met at the Primus Day conference.

“The era of superspecialists is coming to an end, the future belongs to graduates who can connect individual disciplines,” says biologist Jan Černý. That is why the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics agreed on a new Bachelor program called Science at CU.

„Končí éra superspecialistů, budoucnost patří absolventům, kteří umí jednotlivé disciplíny propojovat a hledat řešení komplexních problémů,“ říká biolog Jan Černý. I proto se spojila Přírodovědecká a Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta a na Univerzitě Karlově vznikl nový bakalářský program Science.

The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) currently has 28 member countries and more than 110 independent research groups covering a wide spectrum of molecular biology in six cities in Europe. How is science communicated at EMBL? 

Two Czech scientists who have contributed significantly to global research with their lifetime of work, one scientific transfer project and six young scientific talents. These are this year's awards from the Neuron Foundation for Science. Six of the nine awards have gone to Charles University.

Carolyn R. Bertozzi, Morten Meldal and Barry Sharpless were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their research on tools for building molecules. Their findings will contribute to the development of processes that simplify functional chemistry. 

Over three thousand visitors saw, heard, felt, tasted or touched science on Friday, 30 September, the day that Czech European Researchers Night took place. Charles University prepared 80 activities for children and adults. Also on view was the FameLab competition final.

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