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Thursday, 29 January 2015 12:30

PEKLA 2014

On the 15th to the 16th of December the Institute of Classical Archaeology of the Faculty of Arts held the 3rd international postgraduate conference “Perspectives of Classical Archaeology” (“PEKLA”) at Charles University in Prague.

The first season of archaeological research in the site Burgut Kurgan in South Uzbekistan has recently ended. The expedition was led by staff and students from the Faculty of Arts. The research team, consisting of Czech, Uzbek, and French participants, was exploring the settlement of the Yaz I culture, which is generally considered a bridge between Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages in the southern part of Central Asia.

On May 26th, Charles University in Prague was privileged to host a fascinating and innovative five day research conference and two day international workshop Jews and Gentiles in East-Central Europe in the Twentieth Century under the Faculty of Social Sciences, organised by internal and external professors and various scholars, graduates and enthusiasts presenting their work.

An internship at a clinic in Itibo, Kenya is providing student of the CU 3rd Faculty of Medicine Lukáš Malý with unexpected professional and life experiences. His patients suffer from typhus, malaria and HIV/AIDS, as well as injuries from machete attacks. One HIV-positive mother who he helped to give birth named her son after him.

Rector’s Sports Day is a long tradition, a day where students from all of the Charles University faculties come together in teams or as an individual and compete in various sports competitions. This year there were 26 sports for the students to chose from, from well know sports, such as football and basketball to lesser known ones, two of which I had never heard of, Underwater Rugby and Kan-Jam Frisbee.

The speaker at one of the literary lecture offered in the series 'Life and Biography in the Middle Ages' on the topic of 'A Heathen King' at the Faculty of Arts on the 29th of March was Dr. Rolf Stavnem, who lectures on Nordic medieval literature and languages at the Aarhus University in Denmark.

From a young age I have had an avid interest in the big events of the past hundred years. For reasons that don’t need stating, it’s quite obvious that the Great War was one of those events. The international conference “Climax or Beginning? Modernity, Central Europe and the Great War” held in Prague by the Faculty of Arts, Charles University on the 24th and 25th of October was thus truly fascinating, and I relished the opportunity to attend.

If, like me, you are interested in history but not passionate enough that you want to spend hours in exhibitions reading reels of facts and information, then the present Alois Musil exhibition "Alois Musil – Czech Lawrence of Arabia" in the Faculty of Arts provides the perfect middle ground.

Thursday, 10 January 2019 11:42

Volunteering for Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day, also known informally as Poppy Day, is a day of memorial in the Commonwealth of Nations. The day was inaugurated by the British King George V in the year 1919 and is also a day of remembrance for many non-Commonwealth countries. The 11th of November is the day most countries recall the end of the hostilities of World War One in 1918.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017 18:49

A Fairy-Tale that had No Happy Ending

Ever since Charles University joined the Europe Meets School voluntary teaching programme in 2008/2009, the Erasmus students of Art Education and Art and Design from the Faculty of Education have been frequent participants of the programme.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013 15:19

Translation - a demanding discipline

On Thursday 18, 2013, a silver medal of Faculty of Arts was bestowed at the meeting of the Research Council. The person who received it for his contribution to international Bohemian studies, translation studies and didactics was British scientist and translator Patrick Corness. In the interview we talked about translation from Czech, problems with poetry and applications designed to make translators’ lives easier.

Thursday, 23 January 2014 12:34

Fish Harvesting and Fish Parasitology Course

As a Biology Erasmus student at Charles University, I was given the option to attend the unique course “Field Course in Fish Parasitology”. The course takes place outside of Prague, at the Field Biology Station Ruda by Veselí nad Lužnicí which is in South Bohemia. Organised and run by Dr. Libor Mikeš and Associate Professor Jan Votýpka, we were invited to watch the traditional Czech carp harvesting and then perform dissections to observe the parasites of the fish.

Friday, 03 January 2014 15:05

Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Law

On a cold morning in April, I had the opportunity to experience a traditional Czech graduation ceremony ('promoce') in the historical building of Karolinum. The students in this ceremony were graduating from the Faculty of Law at Charles University in Prague, having obtained a masters degree.

From the early morning hours, Old Town Square was crowded and preparations were in full swing, organising supplies of energy drinks, nutritious food and setting up various health related stalls and stands. Everywhere you looked, there were runners warming up with their supportive friends or families. This year, the event had something for everyone including a full marathon, a relay, team competitions, a family mini-marathon and even a dog walking race – the only thing required was some energy and encouragement!

Friday, 23 March 2018 16:47

Anniversary of Jan Palach’s Death

January 2017 commemorates the 48th anniversary of Charles University student, Jan Palach, setting himself on fire in protest against events in the former Czechoslovakia in 1968.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013 15:19

Discovery of a New Unique Tomb at Abusir

A few days ago archaeologists from the Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, discovered a unique tomb belonging to the priest and chief physician of Upper and Lower Egypt Shepseskafankh.

Friday, 03 January 2014 15:04

Nose Stuck in a Book

Who is a librarian? For the majority of us it is a person responsible for lending out books and cataloguing new purchases. However, there is much more hidden behind the title.

Being a vegetarian, vegan or someone with dietary requirements should never stop you from travelling, trying new cuisines or enjoying your food. I’m a firm believer that this attitude – held by those with dietary requirements and those without – is mostly all in a person’s head.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014 10:22

Day of Societies, 24th February 2014

The Day of Societies which took place last week of February at the Faculty of Law allowed student associations to present themselves in an informal manner. At the same time, it was a great opportunity for students to get to know more about them and decide if they would like to become members and collaborate actively with these organisations in their quest to achieve their objectives.

Six students of the CU Protestant Theological Faculty have been given a unique opportunity to travel to Israel in the summer, together with CU Vice Rector docent Martin Prudký and Dr. Filip Čapek, and participate in research at the Tel Azekah archaeological site, which is organised by the Lautenschläger Azekah Excavation Project consortium.

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