Day of Societies, 24th February 2014

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

The Day of Societies which took place last week of February at the Faculty of Law allowed student associations to present themselves in an informal manner. At the same time, it was a great opportunity for students to get to know more about them and decide if they would like to become members and collaborate actively with these organisations in their quest to achieve their objectives.


VŠEHRD, Juristi, Common Law Society, ELSA and Prager Deutscher Klub: five different bodies at university, all meeting at the same time and place to share their projects with the general public. Each of them had its own stand at the atrium of the Law building, where they had posters, information about their upcoming activities and even some snacks for those who went by.

VŠEHRD is the oldest association for Law students in the Czech Republic. Former Czech President Václav Havel used to be a member during his time at university. This society is currently preparing several seminars and conferences for the upcoming semester, some of which will be given by international non-profit organisations such as UNICEF.

Juristi started its activity at Charles University in 2007. It offers some great opportunities to its members, including the possibility to get an internship in a law firm. They can also participate in the program “první pravní pomoc” (First Legal Aid), which provides free legal assistance to those who need it.

The Common Law Society is probably the most well-known association among international Law students, since its members are in charge of organising a wide variety of activities for them. Those involved in this society can attend the so-called “Café Seminars” where different topics are presented and debated by the attendees. These special seminars take place in a more relaxed atmosphere while participants have a cup of coffee. For this semester, the Common Law Society is organising several conferences in English and in Czech.

ELSA (European Law Students Association) is the most expanded society for Law students on a European level. Its most immediate projects include a moot court, which will take place next month with participants from many different countries, and an exchange programme in which members of this organisation will travel to another country. They are also preparing seminars, some of which will be in English, and some “Special Days” dedicated to a particular topic.

Last but not least, we have the Prager Deutscher Klub. This society endeavors to inform students further about German-speaking countries, as well as provide them with a comparative approach to law. With this in mind, they organise diverse activities related to the culture of the German-speaking countries. They also arrange German language courses, some of which are still open for registration this semester, and they are currently preparing a trip to Berlin. Members of this association can get an internship with the German law firm “Giese & Partner”. This semester, the society is preparing various activities related to German law. 

Being a member of a student association can be a very rewarding experience. It’s a good way to find new friends that share your interests. You can socialise more while you gain a deeper knowledge of the subjects you are taught at class, and this gives you a different perspective at university; it’s no longer a place where you only study, but it is also where you have fun, meet new people and have great experiences.

This can also help you in your future professional career, since you are likely to make contacts that you probably would not make if you were not active in a society. Also, if you are a member of the committee of one of these associations that will give you some work experience that prospective employers will take into account when you look for a job in the future.

Kimberly Jade Townend studies a double degree in Law and Criminology at the University of Valencia, Spain. She decided to join the iForum since she saw it as a great opportunity to take an active part in the events organised by her host university. An aspiring writer since a very young age, she felt that it could be a good way to enjoy her favourite hobby during her stay in Prague.


Marita Moloney is a third year Law International student at University College Cork, and is currently on Erasmus studying at the Faculty of Law in Charles University. She has a vast array of interests, ranging from art and culture to current affairs and literature. She decided to write for iForum as she believed it would be an excellent opportunity to continue developing her journalistic skills, gain valuable work experience and meet other Erasmus students with the same interests.

Author: Kimberly Jade Townend - International iForum
Photo: red.

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