Integrace nestálých elektrických zdrojů do energetického trhu

Tuesday, 05 March 2013 12:02

Porada Pracovní skupiny energetika Evropské fyzikální společnosti (EWG EPS) se sejde v Praze ve dnech 7.-8. března 2013. Součástí této porady bude i přednáška pro veřejnost dne 7. března. Informace o všech veřejně přístupných částech programu jsou zde. Přednášky proběhnou v angličtině.

Začátek akce

7. března od 17:30

Konec akce

Místo konání akce

Refektář Profesního domu, Malostranské náměstí 25, Praha 1.

Druh akce



Prof. G. Erdmann (TU Berlin, Německo):

Integrace nestálých elektrických zdrojů do energetického trhu (Market integration of intermittent electricity production)

Prof. M. Greiner (Univ. Aarhus, Dánsko):

Zkoumání funkčního uspořádání celoevropského elektrického systému plně založeného na obnovitelných zdrojích (Exploring the functional organization of a fully renewable pan-European electricity system )


Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, Evropská fyzikální společnost, Česká fyzikální společnost

Cílová skupina

Akademická obec a věřejnost





Bezbariérový přístup


Webové stránky akce

Česká fyzikální společnost

Anotace přednášek

Market integration of intermittent electricity production

Prof. Georg Erdmann (TU Berlin, Německo):

The uncontrolled expansion of intermittent renewable electricity generation in Germany is a challenge for conventional power plats and other backup capacities that are needed to balance demand and supply during periods with lacking wind and Photovoltaics generation. The problem affects the German power market as well as the power markets in neighboring countries. Some lobbyists claim the need for a state support scheme for the backup capacities that should complement the renewable electricity support ("capacity mechanism"). An alternative concept would require the shift from guaranteed fixed feed-in rates for renewables to a more market based support scheme. If the "quota model" is politically infeasible, the solution cold be to abandon the grid operator obligation to purchase all renewable electricity and to make the direct marketing of renewable electricity mandatory. The electricity sold will receive a technology specific "market premium" while the retailers should receive an "intermittent power integration premium" depending on the individual share of intermittent power in their sales portfolios. In recent weeks this concept got some political attention. The presentation will explain it more in detail and discuss its advantages, disadvantages, and challenges. Exploring the functional organization of a fully renewable pan-European electricity system

Prof. M. Greiner (Univ. Aarhus)

Today’s overall macro energy system based on fossil and nuclear resources will transform into a future system dominantly relying on fluctuating renewable resources. At the moment it is not really clear what will be the best transitional pathway between the current and the future energy system. In this respect it makes sense to think backwards, which means in a first step to get a good functional understanding of fully renewable energy systems and then in a second step bridge from there to todays energy system. Based on state-of-the-art highresolution meteorological and electrical load data, simple spatio-temporal modelling, and the physics of complex networks, fundamental properties of a fully renewable pan-European power system are determined. Amongst such characteristics are the optimal mix of wind and solar power generation, the optimal combination of storage and balancing, the optimal extension of the transmission network, as well as the optimal ramp down of fossil and nuclear power generation during the transitional phase. These results indicate that the pathways into future energy systems will be driven by an optimal systemic combination of technologies, and that economy and markets have to follow technology.


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