Displaying items by tag: conference

Last February saw the cancellation of Venkov 2021 due to the pandemic. The popular conference hosted by the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development and organised by Dr. Radim Perlín, has always been an opportunity for regional stakeholders to connect with researchers and government planners. Luckily, this year, it returned.

Friday, 11 February, marks the seventh International Day of Women and Girls in Science, celebrating the role of women in the scientific world and promoting gender equality. What do women scientists at Charles University enjoy the most about their work and what kind of challenges did they face?

Last Thursday, Charles University hosted the long-awaited Women in Science seminar, examining conditions of female experts in the Czech scientific and research environments. Invited speakers discussed both opportunities and barriers and as well as what needs to change.

This month, Charles University became the first stop for a traveling exhibition about the Vienna Circle from the University of Vienna. The show was accompanied by a conference on the lasting influence of the group – which included philosophers and scientists such as Moritz Schlick and Otto Neurath.

Speakers at a one-day conference at Charles University focusing on the pandemic more than a year on agreed: an outbreak  such as the one we have seen was a ticking time bomb. Despite how prepared we might be in terms of knowledge, virologist Ladislav Machala said globalisation had shown we have never been “more vulnerable.“

Held at the institute’s headquarters at Prague’s Výtoň and at the European Union’s Prague House in the city centre, the conference was described as a key event by ÚJOP deputy director Dr. Dana Hůlková Nývltová when I met with her on the conference’s final day.

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