Nose Stuck in a Book

Author : Ivana Herglová
Friday, 03 January 2014 15:04

Who is a librarian? For the majority of us it is a person responsible for lending out books and cataloguing new purchases. However, there is much more hidden behind the title.

Four Czech Ladies and an American Student

Author : Ivana Herglová
Friday, 03 January 2014 15:03

Emma McCullough from the University of California, Santa Barbara is a scholarship holder of the Fulbright Commission. She is currently spending a research year at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague.

Erasmus Student’s Thoughts on Czech Presidential Elections

Author : Andrew Sweeney
Friday, 03 January 2014 15:03

Writing an article on the election for a head of state is something of a novelty for me. Coming from Scotland, we have Queen Elizabeth as our head of state. We have elections to Westminster, to the Scottish Parliament at Holyrood, but none for our highest representative of state.

Tchoukball - no need to worry about contact induced injuries!

Author : Helena Stinglová
Photo: Adéla Bachtíková
Friday, 03 January 2014 15:03

You can place it somewhere between handball, volleyball and basketball and the main goal is not to win but to properly stretch your bones and have fun with friends. The game is called tchoukball and Adam Šťastný, a student of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of the Charles University, is now scouting for a faculty team and promotes the relatively unknown sport among his schoolmates.

Björn Reynir Halldórsson: From Iceland to Prague

Author : Ivana Herglová
Photo: Loreta Abidini, Ivana Herglová
Friday, 03 January 2014 15:03

“You’re the first person from Iceland I’ve met.” This is a comment Björn Reynir Halldórsson, a young historian from the University Haskoli Islands in Reykjavík heard a lot when making new friends during his time as an Erasmus student at Charles University in Prague, in the academic year 2011/12.

Christmas Time at Charles University in Prague

Author : Ivana Herglová
Friday, 03 January 2014 15:03

For many, the Erasmus exchange is too short – especially if they arrive at their host university only for the few short months of the winter semester – and their home university requires them to return for the start of the next term already in January. For these students, the month of December is mostly about preparing for and attending exams. The more lucky ones, allowed to stay longer – be it till the very end of the winter semester in February or even until the end of the summer term in June – can join the various programs of the International and Erasmus Clubs prepared especially for the Christmas season.

To Write or not to Write. Erasmus students as Journalists.

Author : Erasmus Students
Friday, 03 January 2014 15:03

There are Erasmus students and Erasmus students. One group takes Erasmus solely as a prolonged vacation in the country and city of their choice and as a great opportunity to meet and befriend people from across Europe. The studying itself is just the “necessary evil” to make this all possible.

Integrated by Music

Author : Lorna Stephen
Friday, 03 January 2014 15:03

Who would have guessed, that in a first floor room of a hospital, tucked away only metres behind Karlovo náměstí, beautiful music would be being produced. But that is exactly the case. The room is the Charvátův sál (Charvát Hall) belonging to the campus of the First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University and the music is coming from the Charles University Chorus (Sbor Univerzity Karlovy). Founded in 2001 by the then Rector of the University, Professor Ivan Wilhelm, it has been conducted by Haig Utidjian since its beginning.

Learning Czech in Udine

Author : Ivana Herglová
Photo: Ivana Herglová
Friday, 03 January 2014 15:03

University of Udine (Italy) belongs to universities with a well-known study programme in Czech language. Students from this university visit Charles University frequently, mainly through the Erasmus programme.

Erasmus with a child

Author : Ivana Herglová
Friday, 03 January 2014 15:03

During the academic year 2012-13, the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University is hosting Judith Schüler from European university Viadrina (Frankfurt an der Oder), who is currently in Prague with her 2-year-old son Karl. I-Forum approached Judith to share her experiences of having a child whilst studying abroad.

Erasmus: Time to share knowledge of Italian Art with Czech children

Author : Erasmus students
Photo: Ivana Herglová
Friday, 03 January 2014 15:03

Paola Antonelli studies Art History at the University of Chieti (Italy). She decided to spent part of her final year at the Charles University in Prague and joined the Catholic Theological Faculty in October 2011. After the initial search for the best Czech or Czech-Italian topic for her MA thesis, Paola decided to write on the Society of Patriotic Friends of Arts, which was the foundation of the National Gallery in Prague.

Erasmus students from the CU as interns in the National Library of the Czech Republic

Author : Erasmus students
Photo: Loreta Abidini and Marion Fay
Friday, 03 January 2014 15:03

The Charles University has been fortunate enough to be able to host some very active Erasmus students, who have, besides the obligatory attending classes, socializing with their Erasmus peers and exploring Prague and the Czech Republic, also found the time to take up an internship or voluntary project while studying in the country.

Once an Erasmus student, now an Erasmus Club tutor

Author : Erasmus students
Photo: Ivana Herglová
Friday, 03 January 2014 15:03

The Erasmus Club at the Faculty of Arts has existed since the 2003/4 academic year. Throughout this time, it has not only offered a diverse program of events and activities for Erasmus and international students of Charles University, but has also given an opportunity to ex-Erasmus students, who have returned to Prague, to rejoin the Erasmus community as tutors. Thus far, the Club has recruited four former Erasmus students – Céline Leclerc (France), Daniel Kortschak (Austria), Tanja

Sharing Easter traditions from all around Europe

Author : Erasmus students
Photo: Loreta Abidini
Friday, 03 January 2014 15:03

It’s a tradition of the Erasmus Club at Faculty of Arts to invite the Erasmus students for a Czech Easter Afternoon on one of the Fridays before Easter holidays. This year, the Czech tutors (Jana, Tanja and Ivana) met with about 30 Erasmus students on Friday 30th March to share with them how Czech Easter is celebrated.

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