An exploration of Hradec Králové
Hradec Králové is a lively city situated in the region of Bohemia in the Czech Republic. Just a comfortable two hour train journey away from the centre of Prague, Hradec Králové is perfectly situated for people who want to travel around the Czech Republic and beyond. Home to one of the faculties of Medicine and the Faculty of Pharmacy of Charles University also makes this a student city where something is always happening. Brimming with history but also adapting to modern city life, Hradec Králové has plenty to offer to all.
Special and Inclusive Education through the Erasmus Mundus programme
Rolando has been actively involved in promoting the empowerment of children with disabilities in the Philippines for six years now. He realized that, in order for him to be more effective, he had to study critical background theory on special and inclusive education. He was really happy when he got accepted for a Master’s degree in Special and Inclusive Education through the Erasmus Mundus programme.
City based University vs. Campus University
There are a number of big decisions that you have to make when becoming a university student, but none more so than what type of university you’re going to study at, city based or campus based.
The Europe Meets School Programme: Thriving Cultural and Language Lessons
My memories of language lessons at school are along the same lines as my memories of “food technology” classes or girl's netball – characterised by a sense of confusion, an oddball teacher and the rhetorical question of “why exactly am I being made to do this”, as I learnt how Smartie cookies are made step-by-step on a production line or as I gallivanted round in one of those itchy pleated sports skirts, having a whistle periodically blown at me whilst my male classmates were allowed to charge and scream aimlessly in the mud for an hour.
The European Office of Charles University has a long standing cooperation with the National Library of the Czech Republic. CU Erasmus students have the opportunity to join the library for internships that not only provide assistance to the community, but also enhance their career prospects and help them to gain vital experience.
There are numerous student associations at Charles University that organise extra-curricular (read free-time) activities for the international or Erasmus students. When I was studying abroad myself, the existence of such events appeared very logical to me – there are international students at the university so you offer trips, country presentations or cinema and theatre clubs to them.
The Wonderfully Witty Drama Queens Bring Agatha Christie to Prague
On June 25th, I visited the charming Žižkovské divadlo Járy Cimrmana in Žižkov (Žižkov Theatre of Jára Cimrman), a hotspot for student nightlife, quirky bars, strong cocktails and chunky burgers. This teeny, tucked away theatre was hosting an amateur adaption of Agatha Christie's play The Mousetrap through the independent student based company The Drama Queens.
Banned from study for fighting for freedom, student continues his studies at CU
“As the leader of Zimbabwean students who stood up to the regime, I wasn’t allowed to continue my studies at any university in the country. My only option was to leave for the Czech Republic,” says Kurayi Garnet Hoyi, one of the former leaders of the Zimbabwe National Students Union.
As a Pharmacy student at my home university, during my Erasmus traineeship I have been staying in the city of Hradec Králové, where Charles University has its Pharmacy faculty. Here, I have been working in the department of Biological and Medical Sciences, specifically with a group of scientists who are researching endothelial dysfunction.
When we are born, we believe we are invincible. There is no evidence to the contrary. As we grow, we look at others who are sick, homeless, disabled, and we believe that surely, that could never happen to us. Of course, that is the greatest fallacy. As we grow older, we experience things which teach us that in thousands of little ways, we are all the same. We are all remarkably vulnerable creatures.
Annual Ball of the Catholic Theological Faculty
There is a nice tradition at Charles University faculties to hold faculty annual balls during the winter season. From the beginning of January till the end of March you can attend a number of dance evenings which are either classical balls in the Vienesse tradition or dance events with various themes. I had a pleasure to attend the 10th annual ball of Catholic Theological Faculty this February.
Why Historical Films can’t/CAN be Good
On May the 15th, a lecture was held in the Faculty of Arts by Professor Robert A. Rosenstone from the California Institute of Technology, entitled “What Does the Historian Filmmaker Do (to History)? : Inventing Truth on the Movie Screen”. I must admit, before this lecture began, I had my doubts. As a historian and keen Medievalist re-enactor, I thought to myself, was he really going to try and justify Braveheart?
The Malach Centre for Visual History – An Invaluable Facility of Knowledge
“To overcome prejudice, intolerance, and bigotry – and the suffering they cause – through the educational use of the Institute’s visual history testimonies”. This is the mission statement of The Institute for Visual History and Education, an archive filled to the brim with stories of some from of the world’s biggest events.
The definition of Erasmus: the tears and the smiles
Some people say that Erasmus life is like marmite: you either love it or hate it. It is the once in a lifetime opportunity, the decision that everybody told you you were ‘so brave’ to make. It is the year that you can’t predict, the year that will always surprise you at every turn.
CU Erasmus Students Participate in the Czech Red Cross Humanitarian Training
For many outside observers, the Erasmus exchange programme appears to be a pleasant stay abroad involving a lot of partying paid for by the EU – and, consequently, our taxes. While this may be true of some Erasmus students, there are also hard workers who are aiming to enrich their CVs not only by participating in the exchange itself but also extracurricular activities offered to them at their host university and in their host country.
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