Displaying items by tag: Kateřina Chládková

Kateřina Chládková is a highly respected researcher at the Institute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication at the Faculty of Arts, focusing on language acquisition, speech perception and production. She is our guest in Forum Radio.

„Zkoumáme, jak se úplně nejmenší miminka učí jazyk, a čemu všemu rozumí,” říká v minutovém videu Kateřina Chládková z Filozofické fakulty UK. Poznatky pak využívají například i k tomu, aby se dospělí dokázali lépe učit cizí jazyky. 

"We study how the smallest babies, who don't speak at all, learn language, what they understand and what they know about their language," says Kateřina Chládková from the Faculty of Arts in our video series. The findings are then used, for example, to help adults learn foreign languages better.

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