Displaying items by tag: game development
New from Charles Games: A climate crisis survival game
Charles Games has launched Beecarbonize, a new educational game about the climate crisis. “Through the game you explore the new technologies, protect nature and modernise industry to reduce carbon emissions,” says developer Ondřej Trhoň.
New Charles Games release offers alternative endings
Over the course of a single year, Charles Games – the creators of titles like Attentát 1942 – launched Train to Sachsenhausen based on witness testimonies of the events of 1939 - the takeover of Bohemia and Moravia by the Nazis and the closure of Czech Universities.
Svoboda 1945: Life and trauma in post-war Czechoslovakia
Charles Games was founded in 2020 as a successful spin-off at Charles University. The firm is the name behind the highly successful historical games Attentát 1942 and its sequel Svoboda 1945: Liberation. Forum spoke to project director Lukáš Kolek.
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