Displaying items by tag: anniversary
CU hosts conference on ‘eve’ of EU accession anniversary
CU this week hosted a high-level conference on the European Union as "a success story". The event, focusing on the benefits of EU enlargement, brought together key speakers who recalled how accession had changed and ultimately improved citizens’ lives.
The whole world celebrates the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on 11 February. This year, Charles University decided to celebrate "internationally". We reached out to international female scientists working at Charles University and bring you two dozen experiences and stories.
Friday, 11 February, marks the seventh International Day of Women and Girls in Science, celebrating the role of women in the scientific world and promoting gender equality. What do women scientists at Charles University enjoy the most about their work and what kind of challenges did they face?
It has been 110 years since Albert Einstein arrived in Prague for his tenure as a professor of theoretical physics – 16 months in his life that were often overlooked. Einstein in Bohemia by historian Michael D. Gordin changes earlier perceptions, showing that it was in Prague that Einstein shifted full-time to the study of gravity.
The moon has fascinated us for most of recorded history: a guiding light on dark seas, a sacred disk illuminating the heavens, a symbol of the unattainable, a god. For most of human existence, its stark, cratered surface remained impossibly beyond reach. All that changed 50 years ago, on July 20, 1969. As some 500 million people watched a live televised broadcast (the largest ever TV audience at the time), the commander of the Apollo 11 mission Neil Armstrong emerged from the Lunar Module called the Eagle and – in his NASA spacesuit - became the first man in history to step onto the Moon’s dusty surface.
50 years of hip replacement surgery in the Czech Republic
Last month saw the 50th anniversary of the first full hip replacement surgery in the former Czechoslovakia under the lead of Professor Oldřich Čech who later played a role in the first Czech-made endoprosthetics design.
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