Displaying items by tag: Nobel Prize
Milgrom: A passion for theoretical research on practical problems
Economist Paul Robert Milgrom's work has significantly influenced many areas of modern economics. He transformed the world of auctions for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize. He has now received the honorary title of doctor honoris causa at CU.
The Bolzano lecture series, organised by the Learned Society of the Czech Republic and the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, returned to Charles University this week. The guest lecturer invited to speak this year was German-born astrophysicist Reinhard Genzel, co-recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2020.
Professor Martin Kotora is the head of the Group of Catalysis in Organic Synthesis at the Faculty of Science of Charles University. Earlier this year, Kotora received the prestigious Donatio award – recognising excellence in research, a high number of citations, and publication in top scientific journals.
Expert discusses click chemistry research awarded Nobel Prize
Carolyn R. Bertozzi, Morten Meldal and Barry Sharpless were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their research on tools for building molecules. Their findings will contribute to the development of processes that simplify functional chemistry.
It has been more than three years since scientists used the LIGO system or Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory for the first time in history directly observe gravitational waves. The stunning discovery confirmed predictions Albert Einstein made with his theory of general relativity almost a hundred years earlier.
Professor Robert J. Aumann is a renowned Israeli-American mathematician who received his Ph.D. from MIT and is most closely associated with Hebrew University in Jerusalem. His ground-breaking work in game theory culminated in his receiving the Nobel Prize for Economics in 2005 (which he shared with Thomas Schelling).
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