CU continues investigation of rigorosum thesis of Mr. Andreas Scheuer, general Secretary of Bavarian CSU

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Charles University in Prague

Ovocný trh 5, Prague 1, 116 36

Up until now, the investigation into alleged plagiarism has utilised, amongst other means, the Urkund tool, which compared the thesis with the contents of websites, electronic sources, archives and book databases, scientific and other tests in digital form and with no regional or language restrictions. This tool is used by the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University (FSV UK) in the detection of plagiarism in world languages, including German. The sole restriction on the tool is that materials be published and available in electronic form.

For this reason, the initial investigation will now be followed up by an analysis of the printed version of the publication Wahlanalyse und Wahlprognose 2002. Die Bundestagswahl im Unterricht, the text of which is alleged to have been copied by Andreas Scheuer without stating the source.

Charles University has therefore requested a copy of this publication from the National Archive, and should receive it within a few days.

Charles University received an official request from Mr. Andreas Scheuer in late afternoon yesterday (Tuesday 21 January) for an investigation of alleged plagiarism in his rigorosum thesis.

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Mgr. Václav Hájek

CU Press Officer

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Author: OVV RUK

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