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Celebrating Czech Easter
There are many religious traditions connected to Easter: remembering the final days, the death and the resurrection of Jesus. For many Czech people, however, their popular customs – which originate from the Pagan time of the pre-Christian period – are the core of the Easter holidays. These traditions celebrate the beginning of spring and the renewal of life that are associated with this time of year.
A dream come true: the Faculty of Social Sciences presents new insignia
Europe 2020 Strategy – Increase of Student Mobility
With levels of youth unemployment in Europe reaching as high as 23% in 2012 , a key part of the Europe 2020 development strategy is to get Europe’s youth working. The 10 year plan to improve Europe’s economy aims towards “smart, inclusive and sustainable growth” in five key areas; Employment; Research and development; Climate change; Education; and Poverty and social justice.
Actual Situation of Christians in the Middle East and Lebanon
German President Addresses Carolinum on European Matters
A crowded room of academics, senators, rectors and guests welcomed his Excellency Joachim Gauck, President of the Federal Republic of Germany for a speech on European Diversity and Wealth in relation with the Czech Republic. Invited rectors and vice-rectors from distinguished Czech and Slovakian universities filled the front rows. Additional guests were present, such as Miroslava Němcová, Karel Schwarzenberg as well as President of Czech Republic, Miloš Zeman.
The Results of the Competition Campus Albertov Known!
During a press conference on Monday the 1st of August, Charles University introduced the layout for the new research and educational centre in Albertov, Prague 2. The layout for this new campus building was decided through a challenging competition that was won by the studio Znamení čtyř – architekti (The Sign of Four – Architects). The second prize was awarded to the studio Atelier M1 architekti (Atelier M1 Architects).
Can I have your autograph?
My Erasmus time in Prague began in a very unusual way: I got to act in a real Czech movie by Alice Nellis. I received an email saying they were looking for two Scandinavian people to play small parts in a film, so I let them know I was interested and sent them a picture of myself. After that I got some phone calls and information about the film shoot - we were to be in the shoot only for one day.
Political Role of Universities: Is it Necessary?
On March 21, 2018, a public debate was organised by Charles University’s Centre for Philosophy, Ethics and Religion to discuss the political role of universities. Three speakers were present, each demonstrating similar opinions on the role of universities in the political sphere. Universities are ambivalent in their nature, successful in their growing appeal to more students each year and yet they are often still undermined by the public sphere. The discussion emphasised how in a time of polarisation, new political challenges in society would undoubtedly affect how universities operate.
A Welcome to CU at the Student Fair 2015
The ancient walls of Carolinum, the seat of the directory of Charles University in Prague, along with its ceremonial halls located in the heart of Prague’s Old Town, are often host to formal events. The regular graduation ceremonies, which are usually held for 25-35 students only (unlike in countries such as the UK or US), alternate with conferences, receptions, concerts and exhibitions.
Teaching the Cross-country Skiing to Erasmus Students
A 4-day-trip in the Šumava Mountains to a snow-covered village of Prášily. Here can Erasmus students meet new friends in a number of different ways. Either through the shared rooms, group cooking or trips to the local pub for a beer or two. They also have the opportunity to take small trips to the snow covered Šumava National Park.
Looking for a dose of culture this Christmas? Czech Christmas Mass
The ‘Česká mše vánoční’ (Czech Christmas Mass), also known as the ‘Rybova mše vánoční’ or simply ’Rybovka’, is a lively, uplifting and moving Christmas Mass composed by the Czech composer Jakub Jan Ryba in 1796. It is considered to be an integral part of any Czech Christmas, like carp and cookies, and is performed annually in hundreds of churches and halls all across the country.
“Interesting times” in the EU
Georg Habsburg-Lothringen, the grandson of Karl I, the last Austrian emperor, was an honoured speaker at Charles University this week. On the occasion of his visit, he gave a lecture about Europe, Central Europe and the European Union. Also central were EU perspectives post-Brexit and the impact of the recent elections to the European Parliament.
Visit of Malach Centre for Visual History
Hagiography and Historiography in Medieval Iceland
On October the 16th 2014, an open lecture was held at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University titled Hagiography and Historiography in Medieval Iceland; the main speaker being Professor Ásdís Egilsdóttir from the School of Humanities in the University of Iceland. The lecture proved to be an interesting insight into the medieval era while successfully outlining the limitations as well as the benefits of the hagiography and historiography when applied to this particular period.
Centenary Year: Charles University’s Calendar of 2018
To celebrate the centenary year of the formation of Czechoslovakia, Charles University’s exclusive calendar is a combination of the pivotal history of both the State and the University. The year 1918 was crucial to both institutions, as Czechoslovakia was formed, and Charles University took its present name.
John Lennox: Time for Science
A Czech game nominated for the “Gaming Oscar”
The game Attentat 1942, developed by Czech researchers, is currently competing in one of the most prestigious competitions of the gaming industry, 2018 Independent Games Festival Awards. Attentat 1942 was nominated together with five other games from all over the world. The awards will be announced on March 21 in San Francisco.
Has Science Buried God?
On Thursday, November 6, the Faculty of Arts of Charles University hosted a lecture by Professor John C. Lennox, Professor of Mathematics and Philosophy of Science in Oxford University, titled “Has Science Buried God?” The vast interest in this topic was clear from the moment I arrived at the venue in the Faculty of Arts main building.
Peace vs Justice with Klaartje Quirijns
Matriculation Ceremony for Faculty of Arts
On what would otherwise have been a rather uninteresting Wednesday on a crisp October afternoon, I had the pleasure of attending a matriculation ceremony for incoming students to the Faculty of Arts at Charles University in Prague. Derived from the Latin word matricula, meaning “a register,” matriculation refers to the formal process of enrolling in a university and to meet the academic standards required by the institution.