Conference at CU sees robust discussion of EU funding & R&D
This Tuesday, Charles University hosted a much-awaited conference organised by Science|Business and the Science|Business Widening initiative. The event was part of a series of debates on how to transform the Widening Programme.
New ERC project on the joys that children seek in facts
"One of the panel members made everybody chuckle during the interview when he said that I had cleverly designed a project on the joys of what most of us do most of the day," says Anežka Kuzmičová. She has won a prestigious ERC Starting Grant.
All about a new type of immune cell
"We discovered a completely new type of immune cell that plays key roles in the immune system's response to microorganisms," says Jan Dobeš, who was invited with Jakub Abramson and colleagues to write a review article in Nature Review Immunology.
There's auxin in the cytoplasm! Root cells, turn!
A scientific team led by Matyáš Fendrych from the Faculty of Science of Charles University has succeeded in discovering a new signalling mechanism in the so-called fast auxin pathway. And explained results in a publication just a few days ago.
Bridging the world of science and everyday life
“Be a sponge – keep absorbing information from a broad perspective,” says Professor Albert Heck from Utrecht University. Heck is internationally recognised as one of the top pioneers in the use of mass spectrometry for large-scale protein research.
Froňková: Science funding kills creativity
“Doing science these days is generally quite stressful - you're constantly writing grants or explaining in evaluation reports why it's not working out the way you thought it would,” warns molecular geneticist Eva Froňková from the Second Medical Faculty of Charles University.
Loučka: Palliative care is a science like any other
The only certainty in our lives is its end. Yet we avoid the subject of dying as much as possible. “Palliative care is not just about the end of life. It is about living well for as long as possible, despite a serious illness,” says Martin Loučka, assistant professor at the Third Faculty of Medicine.
Ten ERC CZ grants heading to Charles University
The ERC grant competition is one of the most prestigious: top scientists regularly compete for funding. Those working at Czech institutions who receive top marks but fail to get backing, can receive "ERC CZ" funding from the Ministry of Education.
Solving a 20-year math mystery to receive the Gödel Prize
“It is an unprecedented success,” says Martin Loebl, the head of the Department of Applied Mathematics at Charles University, regarding Hans Raj Tiwary. He has been awarded the Gödel Prize - one of the most prestigious awards in the field of computer science.
Švejnar: We need to support both talent and excellence
“Any country should be able to draw upon its assets. Since we do not have mineral deposits, we must focus on education,” says top Czech economist Jan Švejnar, based at Columbia University in New York and at the CERGE-EI Economic Institute in Prague.
Teaching, Breathing & Learning Mathematics
Janet Tassell is a professor at at Western Kentucky University. During the winter semester, she spent three months as a Fulbright Scholar at the Faculty of Education, Charles University, where she conducted research to apply mindfulness practices in mathematics instruction.
Egyptologist Bárta among new members to join AAA&S
Miroslav Bárta from the Czech Institute of Egyptology at CU has received great international recognition, invited this year to join the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The AAA&S has existed since 1780: George Washington himself was a member.
About the magnetic microshutter system on the JWST
A year-and-a-half since it was launched into orbit 1.5 million kilometres from Earth, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has proven to be an overwhelming success. The infrared observatory has stunned viewers from the get-go with images of unparalleled precision.
Nobel laureate Genzel gives Bolzano lecture
The Bolzano lecture series, organised by the Learned Society of the Czech Republic and the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, returned to Charles University this week. The guest lecturer invited to speak this year was German-born astrophysicist Reinhard Genzel, co-recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2020.
Siblings research sleep and impact on quality of life
How is sleep related to quality of life? This question was the focus of research by the brother and sister team of Michaela and Aleš Kudrnáč from the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University. The results were published in the journal PLOS ONE.
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