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STARS Scholarship Programme for Talented Doctoral Student Launched at the Faculty of Science
Scientists from Anthropictures studio help to make life in towns better
Their aim is to make life in public spaces better, help town councils find the best way to develop their communities and also to increase public awareness of social anthropology. They call themselves the Anthropictures studio. The members of this studio are social anthropologists from universities all over the Czech Republic. One of them is Markéta Slavková, a postgraduate student at the CU Faculty of Humanities.
Charles University Pays Tribute to Self-Sacrifice of the 'Burning Man'
An exploration of Hradec Králové
Hradec Králové is a lively city situated in the region of Bohemia in the Czech Republic. Just a comfortable two hour train journey away from the centre of Prague, Hradec Králové is perfectly situated for people who want to travel around the Czech Republic and beyond. Home to one of the faculties of Medicine and the Faculty of Pharmacy of Charles University also makes this a student city where something is always happening. Brimming with history but also adapting to modern city life, Hradec Králové has plenty to offer to all.
9th Prague Security Conference- EU-China-Russia: Looking for Common Interests.
A Mind of Europe
Czechs mark 30th anniversary of Velvet Revolution
A Visit to the Past – An Unusual Erasmus Trip
Český Krumlov is a Czech town which may be small in size but is nonetheless significantly important. This well-known destination, famous for being a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is situated on a hilly riverside of the Vltava River, whose meanders form a typically picturesque surrounding to the scenery of Český Krumlov.
America and the Holocaust
This course studies the phenomenon called “the Americanization of the Holocaust,” a reality of the United States roughly defined as the cultural appropriation of the Nazi genocide. Various scholars have noted how new generations of Americans draw their knowledge of the Shoa, not through testimony of survivors or rigorous historical accounts, but through its cultural representation in the mass media, Hollywood, comics, pseudo-historical accounts, or memorial monuments, among other popular works.
Who is Funding Your Studies? The Fisher- Bulmer Debate on Philanthropic Support
On the 11th of November the Faculty of Humanities at Charles University invited Professor Martin Bulmer from the University of Surrey, United Kingdom, to discuss philanthropic support for social sciences, in a workshop entitled ‘Interests and Motivations Explaining Philanthropic Support for Social Sciences: the Fisher-Bulmer Debate.’
Military training at CU: training must be as close to reality as possible
For them, war isn’t just something they hear about in the media, but an actual situation that they could very soon find themselves in or for which they will prepare their charges in the future. During their studies they get a taste of what it’s like to test themselves to the limit and must learn to deal with extreme stress – both physical and psychological.
12th Czech Academia Games will be hosted by the Faculty of PE and Sport, CU
What Theresienstadt Taught Me
Prior to the day trip I was attending to Theresienstadt ghetto and concentration camp, organised by Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University, I spent some time researching current public and political opinions on war remembrance, particularly in reference to the Holocaust. To my surprise, there was substantial negativity, even during conversations with my university friends on the topic of my visiting Theresienstadt, with some of their responses being along the lines of “why would anyone wish to visit such a place”.
Students with special needs are entitled to diverse forms of assistance
It takes more than just learning effort in order to successfully complete a university degree. In some moments, your path is blocked by barriers from around you. Support in tackling such barriers is provided by a system of assistance to students with special needs run by Charles University´s Faculty of Arts. PhDr. David Čáp, coordinator of assistance to students with special needs, explains.
Notification for students upon coming from areas stricken by fevers caused by the ebola virus
CU Rector Tomáš Zima wishes everyone a happy and peaceful Easter
The Annual Congress of Endocrinology Aimed to Spread the Art of Proper Diagnosis
The Age of Global Terrorism - Would you Study Abroad?
The day I found out that I had been accepted into my university’s study abroad programme, back in March of 2015, I was ecstatic. I learned that in September I would travel to Prague to study within the Faculty of Arts at the Charles University of Prague for one academic year; this tremendous opportunity filled me with anticipation and like any excited student preparations for my departure began immediately.
Charles University and Chamber of Commerce sign memorandum
Find of the Czech Institute of Egyptology listed in Top 10 Archaeological Discoveries of 2013
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