This year will be the 15th that the head of the Department of Sociology at Charles University Jiří Vinopal has headed a famous survey mapping changes in Czech pubs and pub life. Learn how the Czech pub itself was reinvented, what it meant for classic lowly establishments known colloquially as “čtyřky” (No. 4s), and how the social aspect of pub life changed.
Tickets for EXPO 2015 in Milan, Italy at a special price!
Are you planning to attend the exhibition Expo Milano 2015? CU Centre for Information, Counseling and Social Services presents you with an option to purchase a reduced entry ticket. As CU students, you will only pay 10 €!
An Autumn Concert in the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics – Project Adopt Your Hertz
The traditional autumn concert of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics on Thursday, 24th October 2013, was a special event this year. Students and friends had the first opportunity to admire the new Petrof Concert Piano acquired by the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics for the Aula of the Informatics building in Malostranské náměstí, so called Professed House (Profesní dům).
CU Erasmus students as the National Library interns
The CU has been fortunate to host some very active Erasmus students, who has – next to the obligatory attending classes, socializing with their Erasmus peers and exploring Prague and the Czech Republic – found also the time for an internship or voluntary project while studying in the Czech Republic.
Volunteers needed for work at faculty boathouse
We are looking for volunteers to help out at the faculty boathouse, which was inundated during the recent floods. As this work involves cleaning out mud, volunteers will require working clothes and, ideally, wellington boots (a limited number of which will be available to borrow on-site), as well as rubber gloves (limited amount also available at the boathouse, but probably not enough to cover all volunteers).
Academic Senate elected Professor Tomáš Zima as its candidate for the position of Rector
At its meeting today, the Academic Senate of Charles University elected Professor Tomáš Zima as its candidate for the position of Rector of the University. The proposed candidate for the appointment shall be submitted by the Minister of Education to the President of the Czech Republic.
This course studies the phenomenon called “the Americanization of the Holocaust,” a reality of the United States roughly defined as the cultural appropriation of the Nazi genocide. Various scholars have noted how new generations of Americans draw their knowledge of the Shoa, not through testimony of survivors or rigorous historical accounts, but through its cultural representation in the mass media, Hollywood, comics, pseudo-historical accounts, or memorial monuments, among other popular works.
Erasmus and other international students with interest in the history of World War 2 and Holocaust are cordially invited to join the excursion to MALACH, Centre of Visual History. Details available by Ivana Herglova at European Office.
The International Conference on Physics Education, ICPE 2013
The purpose of the conference is to bring together people working in physics educational research and in physics education at all types of schools from the whole world to enable us to share and exchange our experience.
At the workshop for Interning Students you will be informed about the internship in the Czech National Library, learn about aims, concepts and development of Manuscriptorium digital library for historical written documents and receive basic training in XML editing.
Come and sing magnificent music under the professional direction of our conductor Haig Utidjian First rehearsal this semester on 20 February 2013 Rehearsals: every Wednesday from 5 till 7 p.m. at Charvátův sál at 3rd Internal Clinic of 1st Medical Faculty (U Nemocnice street, Prague 2).
Regular attendance of weekly Wednesday rehearsals essential!
Cacti and succulents filling up the Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Science
The greenhouses of the Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague in the Na Slupi street will once again provide the premises for the exhibition and market of cacti and succulents. The public can visit this popular event from 1st to 16th June, 2013.
12th Czech Academia Games will be hosted by the Faculty of PE and Sport, CU
From 9th to 14th June, 2013, the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, together with the Czech Technical University in Prague, have organized the 12th Czech Academic Games. University students will compete in almost forty different disciplines.
Healthy body - healthy mind! Come and join the Rector's Sports Day on Thursday 16th May 2013 hosted by the Department of PE of the Faculty of Science CU. This year you can try almost 30 different sports and watch an exhibition of some other disciplines.
Three deans of the medical faculties meet to discuss the current issues
This year's Chair for Faust will be a meeting of three deans from the medical faculties. It will not take place as usual in the Academia Club, the event will be held in the Saint Cross Chapel at the Gynecology and Neonatology Clinic of the 1st Faculty of Medicine and General University Hospital in Apolinarska 18, Prague 2.
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