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Projev rektora Univerzity Karlovy Tomáše Zimy, který zazněl 22. listopadu na Albertově
Informační den UK: kompletní informace o studiu i bohatý doprovodný program
Univerzita Karlova opět připravila pro všechny zájemce o studium Informační den. Třináctý ročník této akce se uskuteční v prostorách Přírodovědecké a 1. lékařské fakulty na pražském Albertově již tuto sobotu 21. listopadu od 9.00 do 16 hod. Kromě informací o možnostech studia na UK čeká na návštěvníky také bohatý doprovodný program.
1. LF UK se dohodla s Léčebnými lázněmi Mariánské Lázně na spolupráci
Stejně jako cesta, i stopa je cíl…
Profesor Karel Malý, emeritní rektor Univerzity Karlovy, oslavil 85 let
Prof. JUDr. Karel Malý, DrSc., dr. h. c., vysokoškolský profesor a uznávaný vědec, oslavil 26. října významné životní jubileum. Profesor Malý je emeritním rektorem Univerzity Karlovy, profesorem katedry právních dějin Právnické fakulty UK a vedoucím Centra právněhistorických studií Historického ústavu AV ČR a PF UK.
Revisioning Photojournalism
‘What does it mean to bear witness in a moment of crisis?’ was the first question posed to the audience by Professor Stuart Allan, in his lecture Revisioning Photojournalism: Citizen Witnessing and the Politics of Visual Truths. The Deputy Head of Cardiff University’s School of Journalism, Media and Culture, was invited by Charles University’s Social Sciences Faculty on the 21st of October, to speak about photojournalism.
Charles University Collection of Plaster Casts on the Move
As does a number of other universities around the world, Charles University in Prague possesses a collection of plaster casts depicting the most important creations of the Ancient Greek and Roman sculpture art. The collection, created mainly in the 19th and in the very beginning of the 20th century, contains today 550 copies of the most significant, as well as some less known, ancient time pieces of art.
Charles University at the EAIE 2014
When the EAIE, European Association for International Education decided that the capital city of the Czech Republic, Prague, will be the next host of the EAIE annual conference, following previous hosts Copenhagen, Dublin and Istanbul, Charles University was thrilled. EAIE is the largest conference and fair of the European higher education, annually visited by several thousand of higher education officers.
Art and Economy – Adversaries of Complements?
In the northeast corner of Hyde Park in London, is a compelling little place known as ‘Speaker’s Corner.’ It is tradition that in Speaker’s Corner, any person can decide to stand up and orate freely to a crowd - on any topic they wish. If we were to go there now, we would likely find someone doing just that.
Who is Funding Your Studies? The Fisher- Bulmer Debate on Philanthropic Support
On the 11th of November the Faculty of Humanities at Charles University invited Professor Martin Bulmer from the University of Surrey, United Kingdom, to discuss philanthropic support for social sciences, in a workshop entitled ‘Interests and Motivations Explaining Philanthropic Support for Social Sciences: the Fisher-Bulmer Debate.’
Velvet Revolution Continues to Inspire International Dissidents
25 years on from the Velvet Revolution in the Czech Republic (back then Czechoslovakia), Charles University was honoured to host the international conference 'For Your Freedom and Ours' highlighting the responsibility of those who have fought successfully for democracy in their countries to continue to support those nations still in the midst of their own endeavours for freedom.
Gala Concert with Ars Instrumentalis Pragensis
It is a nice tradition of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of CU to invite their employees, friends and students to a series of gala concerts during each academic year. By the occasion of the autumn concert on the 21st of October the chamber ensemble Ars Instrumentalis Pragensis performed an outstanding concert within the main hall of the Carolinum.
Georgian Minister Explains Reforms in Justice on Long Route to Democracy
CU Rector Welcomed the Representatives of Dozens of World Universities in Carolinum
Representatives of universities from all around the world met in Carolinum, the heart of the oldest university in central Europe, on Tuesday 16th September 2014. The Rector of Charles University, Professor Tomáš Zima, invited the representatives of CU partner universities for a gathering on the eve of the 26th annual international educational conference EAIE (European Association for International Education), which was held in Prague this year.
CU Received This Year’s Czech National European Charlemagne Youth Prize
On Tuesday, May 27, Helena Hradilová from the Erasmus Club of the Faculty of Arts of CU received the annual European Charlemagne Youth Prize for Czech Republic for a common project of the Press Department of CU, European Office of CU and the Erasmus Club of the Faculty of Arts, International iForum.
What May Have Happened in the Lanes Surrounding Karolinum in the Eve of World War I
CERN Director General visits Charles University
“My dear audience,” the first words spoken by Rolf-Dieter Heuer, Director General of CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, in his lecture in the full-to-bursting Blue Lecture Hall, provoked a positive reaction. Opening the seminar on particle physics for secondary schools, Heuer emphasised that, even though a small country, the Czech Republic is a very important partner in the CERN project.
Military training at CU: training must be as close to reality as possible
For them, war isn’t just something they hear about in the media, but an actual situation that they could very soon find themselves in or for which they will prepare their charges in the future. During their studies they get a taste of what it’s like to test themselves to the limit and must learn to deal with extreme stress – both physical and psychological.
Notification for students upon coming from areas stricken by fevers caused by the ebola virus
German Minister of Finance explains the Next Steps for European Integration
On Thursday, October 2 afternoon, the Patriotic Hall of Carolinum was bustling with various delegates, students, politicians, ambassadors and ministers. All of these actors contributed to an exciting energy that was felt before the German Minister of Finance, Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble, discussed the next steps for European Integration.