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Science at CU: Teaching keeps you on your toes, always looking ahead

Sunday, 26 May 2024 22:20

Even pedagogy is a science. Teacher Daniel Pražák, who recently completed his doctoral studies at the Faculty of Education of Charles University, knows this better than most. What does he enjoy most about teaching and what has he researched? He answers in one minute.

"When I have to talk about myself somewhere or introduce myself, I always get a bit of a headache - what to say that doesn't sound completely stupid and at the same time describes what I do. Lately, I've been referred to more and more often and on different occasions as a 'populariser of teaching', which I actually really like," explained Daniel Pražák in a recent interview with Forum magazine.

"Teaching is great in that it forces you not to freeze up and that children bring a new surprise every now and then and actually you still find joy in it, or at least I do," says the teacher-influencer.

"And the other wonderful thing is that in every class you have some twenty, 25 kids that you can influence in some way. And if he influences them well, maybe teaches them to respect others, teaches them to behave nicely, teaches them to relate to nature or to our republic, then maybe they will teach that to others, whether it's their friends or their neighborhood or maybe someday their children. And so it spreads nicely, what you can leave in those children."

Until recently he was also a doctoral student at the Faculty of Education. "When we talk about dissertation, my cat is probably more famous - Dissertation, but my research has been about how schools learn from each other, how they improve and how working together helps them, but also maybe what it takes to make that collaboration work well."

How did he become a teacher-popularizer with more than 24,000 followers on X? "I was annoyed by the way the media talked about Czech education, that everything was bad and sucked. And I wanted to show that there are great things in our education system that are worth bringing to light, so for example I started doing a podcast called Hovory z kabinetu (Cabinet Talks) and other activities." More in a separate article.

All videos are produced with Czech and English subtitles.

Science at CU in one minute

The Science at Charles University series of short videos showcases the diversity of science at Charles University. First to present her research is mathematician Erin Carson.

Where was the filming?

Daniel Pražák lets colleagues into his classes "for inspiration", student teachers "to learn" and us with the camera - thank you.

Photo: Daniel Hotový