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“The Russian occupiers are dropping bombs on civilians,” says Tamara Bardina from Chernihiv, Ukraine, a student at Charles University. Her indignation was in immediate response to the invasion on 24 February. Since, the situation in Ukraine has only grown worse.

The inauguration of Professor Milena Králíčková, the new Rector of Charles University, took place on 3 March 2022 at the historic Carolinum. She succeeds Professor Tomáš Zima who served for two consecutive terms. The new rector's term of office will last until 31 January 2026.

Science communication – raising  awareness and understanding among the general public, while capturing the thrill of successful science – is something of an art. It isn’t always easy to communicate effectively. But British experts agree, it is essential and it's important to get it right.

The TV hockey series Lajna (Line) starring Jiří Langmajer as a despotic head coach at a crossroads in his life, proved popular each week among viewers online and ran three seasons. What you might not know is that a number of Charles University students were extras on the show as players on the team.

It seems there were two, though many believe there was only one: the great temple in Jerusalem built by the Biblical King Solomon. The first temple stood on the Temple Mount but no material evidence of its existence has ever been found. However, in 2012, Israeli archaeologists unexpectedly discovered another site in some ways similar.

Medici PRO Očkování (Med Students for Vaccination) is an initiative begun more than three years ago before anyone had heard of Covid-19. The pandemic has put the group front and centre. It’s aim is to provide the public with honest and factual information about why it’s important to get the jab. Forum spoke to the organisation’s Jaromír Astl.

Last Thursday, Charles University hosted the long-awaited Women in Science seminar, examining conditions of female experts in the Czech scientific and research environments. Invited speakers discussed both opportunities and barriers and as well as what needs to change.

For the first time in its centuries-long history, Charles University will be led by a woman. Friday's election, which saw voting by CU’s Academic Senate, was won by the incumbent vice-rector for education, Milena Králíčková, who finished comfortably ahead of the only other candidate, Michal Stehlík, the former dean of the Faculty of Arts.

"I have always been attracted to science from a medical point of view. The choice of virology was a combination of relevance to human health and the technical possibilities of that time," says Professor Hans-Georg Kraeusslich, explaining why he became a virologist. Professor Kraeusslich was recently honoured by Charles University. 

“At Kampus Hybernská we are offering all Charles University faculties and components a common space to meet each other as well as city partners or others in the application sphere,” says Marcel Kraus, project manager of Hyb4City since January of this year.

“My respect for the novel coronavirus grew proportionately the more we learned,” recalls Dr. Milan Trojánek from the Second Faculty of Medicine and Bulovka University Hospital. He admits there were many aspects of the virus that caught the medical profession by surprise.

Turtles originated more than 200 million years ago but three-quarters of turtle species today are endangered. Jindřich Brejcha, a zoologist at the Faculty of Science, told us more about the fascinating reptile and efforts to help.  May 23 was World Turtle Day.

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